Bamboo Toothbrushes: Benefits of This Eco-Friendly Alternative

 Know the benefits of the ecological bamboo toothbrush

More and more people care about the planet and therefore more and more trends are emerging with the aim of caring for the environment. One of the most talked about in recent months is that of bamboo toothbrushes, an ecological and biodegradable alternative that reduces the consumption of plastics and that is not only respectful with the environment, but also offers a lot of benefits for you . Do you want to know which ones? Keep reading!

Ah! And don't forget to take a look at our post about plastic crafts. We give you a lot of ideas to give a second life to those utensils that you use in your day to day.

Environmental benefits of bamboo toothbrushes

The toothbrush is one of the most commonly used plastic objects. However, its components are polluting and have a great negative impact on the environment. To give you an idea, in Spain almost 3,000 tons of plastic from toothbrushes are discarded every year.

Fortunately, there are alternatives that replace plastic with other natural materials, such as bamboo toothbrushes. These everyday objects help reduce plastic consumption, since both the packaging and the materials with which the brush is made are 100% degradable. Its bristles are made with charcoal and its handle is made of bamboo.

Benefits of bamboo toothbrush for the environment

While a plastic toothbrush takes 400 years to decompose, a bamboo toothbrush takes just half a year. Similarly, plastic is very difficult to recycle and this often ends up in the sea (1% of ocean plastics come from toothbrushes). However, bamboo is a plant that requires very little care, its collection is very simple and its recycling much easier.

But BEWARE! do not be fooled. There are some bamboo brushes that are not completely biodegradable, since their bristles are made of nylon. Similarly, experts recommend that bamboo be “Phyllostachys edulis”, a type of bamboo that, as it does not serve as food due to the altitude and the hardness of its leaves, its felling does not endanger the ecosystem of animals such as the bear. panda. Therefore, we recommend that you inform yourself well of the materials with which it is made before buying it, including its packaging.

Benefits of toothbrushes for you

In addition to the benefits related to sustainability and caring for the environment that bamboo brushes have, it should be noted that they also offer some other advantage for you and your health.

Bamboo has antibacterial properties and considering that a toothbrush is in direct contact with our mouth and that it harbors a lot of bacteria, this can guarantee better oral hygiene. In addition, its bristles made with activated carbon are more delicate with the gums and tooth enamel than those made with nylon.

Also, thanks to the handle made of bamboo, the grip is much softer and more comfortable than that of a traditional brush.

Advantages of the bamboo toothbrush for the planet and your health

Price and where to buy bamboo toothbrushes

Although many believe otherwise, the price difference between a plastic toothbrush and one made from bamboo is minimal. Although bamboo ones always tend to have a higher price, they are only a few cents more. A tiny difference that can make a big difference to the environment.

As for where you can buy them. A few years ago this type of brush was a very exotic and rare object, so it could only be found in specialized stores. However, today thanks to the high demand that there is, you can find your bamboo toothbrush in any pharmacy, supermarket or trusted online store.

As you can see, switching to eco-friendly alternatives, such as a simple bamboo toothbrush, to reduce the consumption of plastic in homes, is one of the first steps we must take to take care of our planet. The environment needs our help now more than ever and every little gesture counts.