Fennel properties and benefits. What is it used for?

Fennel properties and contraindications

Fennel has been used since ancient times as a natural remedy to treat numerous health problems thanks to its many benefits. If you still do not know this wild plant and everything it can offer, pay attention. In this article we will tell you all about the properties of fennel and how to make the most of them.

What is fennel?

Fennel is a herbaceous plant that has been highly admired since ancient times (it was used as a natural remedy) thanks to its many health benefits. Although its origin is in Europe, this herb grows in temperate zones around the world, especially along the Mediterranean coast.

Fennel is widely used for its medicinal properties as an ingredient in cooking and in the world of cosmetics for the manufacture of beauty products.

Learn about the properties and benefits of fennel

Fennel properties in an infusion 

Fennel has been used as a home remedy for centuries thanks to its health properties. The best way to take advantage of all the properties of fennel is to prepare an infusion with this plant. Likewise, it can also be used as a condiment in many dishes and food recipes thanks to its flavor.

Here below we explain in more detail both the benefits and the contraindications of this aromatic plant.

The benefits of fennel

  • Digestive: both its seeds and the essential oil of fennel have diuretic and antacid properties that favor the elimination of gastric juices, help reduce fluid retention, decrease bloating and improve the absorption of nutrients. For this reason, it is highly recommended to have a fennel infusion after a very heavy meal.
  • Quenches thirst: fennel infusion helps hydrate and quench thirst. So it is perfect after an intense training session or during hot summer days. Likewise, it is also widely used to stimulate the appetite.
  • Anti-inflammatory: thanks to its antioxidant properties and its essential oils rich in ethanol, fennel can be used as a natural anti-inflammatory and as a remedy to treat fatty liver problems.
  • Eliminates gases: fennel has carminative benefits that favor the elimination of gases in the digestive tract. This helps, for example, to avoid colic.
  • Increase defenses: thanks to its high content of Vitamin C, an infusion of fennel will help you strengthen your defenses and improve your immune system.
  • Also, its high content of Vitamin C and retinol brings many benefits to the eyes. For example, it helps decrease ocular degeneration and helps treat and prevent eyelid inflammation such as blepharitis or styes. For the latter case, it is recommended to soak a gauze in a fennel infusion and gently pat the eyelid to relieve inflammation.
  • It has iron and amino acids that favor the production of hemoglobin. For this reason, it can be quite useful when treating and preventing problems such as anemia.
  • Stimulates brain activity: fennel is rich in potassium. This helps more oxygen reach the brain and stimulates neural activity.
  • Reduces pains with spasms.
  • Heals wounds: this is one of the reasons why this plant is so widely used in cosmetics for the manufacture of creams. Fennel helps heal wounds and also reduces the symptoms and inflammation of mosquito bites.
  • Disinfectant: it can also be used as an antiseptic to disinfect wounds and fight bacteria.

What is fennel and what is it good for


Fennel in adequate quantities does not present any contraindication. However, if we abuse this plant it can lead to problems such as drowsiness or seizures.

Similarly, it is not recommended for people with Parkinson's problems, people with hormonal treatments, pregnant women, children or if you are taking other medications, as it can cancel its effect.

In these cases we always recommend that before taking it, you first consult with your trusted doctor.

How to make a Fennel fusion

Preparing an infusion of fennel to take full advantage of the properties of this plant is really simple and fast. By the way! We recommend that you take a look at our post about the properties of Matcha Tea, as it also offers a ton of health benefits.

The first thing you should do is add 7 grams of fennel seeds (you will find them without problems in any herbalist) in a saucepan with boiling water. Let it act for about 15 minutes and then turn off the heat. After 10 minutes of cooling off, strain the water and you will have your infusion ready. Instead of seeds, you can also use fennel bulbs or leaves.

You can use this infusion to purify the body, treat colds and coughs, reduce cholesterol, fight anemia, protect eyesight, etc. As you can see, its uses are infinite and if you did not know it yet, it is time to start including it in your shopping list.