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Summer is coming and with it one of the great dilemmas of the season: show off beautiful and super tanned skin. Because yes, nowadays, being dark is in fashion. But… Is it worth losing your mind and doing anything to get a quick brunette in the summer? Of course not. Due to the deterioration of the ozone layer, the sun is more dangerous than ever, so we have to take care of our skin if we do not want to have scares in the future (such as melanomas or, in the best of cases, spots or aged skin). So today, we present you the best tricks to get brunette fast but without your skin experiencing any risk. 6 TRICKS TO GET A BRUNETTE QUICK AND SAFELY Let's see, lover of the star king: it is not necessary that from the moment you get up until you go to bed you look for each of the rays of sun that you come across to affect your skin to make you brown faster. You don't have to be a lizard, you can sit on a shady terrace to have a quiet drink, or eat under the umbrella on the beach and enjoy the moment without the heat leaving you half fainted. And it won't take you longer to tan. Especially if you follow these tips that we give you below: EAT FOODS RICH IN BETACAROTENE Did you know that some foods accelerate tanning? What we eat influences everything (and more than we think). And, there are foods that contribute to the production of melanin, a natural pigment in our body that is mainly responsible for the coloring of the skin. If you want to increase your melanin levels, take a daily juice with 3 carrots and 1 Orange for 3 weeks. You can also try other foods rich in carotenes and antioxidants such as tomatoes, strawberries, apricot, Cherry or the mango. These products also help fight free radicals, protecting the skin from premature aging. Remember that fruit and vegetables they also help you stay well hydrated. In addition, we advise you to use a bronzer with carrot and coconut extracts. EXFOLIATE THE SKIN To get a brunette quickly, one of the best things to do is exfoliate your skin a few days before sunbathing. Why? Well, because this way the layer of dead cells is eliminated, and therefore the skin tans better. I said, do it a few days before (with 3 enough) since if you do it the same day that you are going to expose yourself to the sun, you will only get burned. And if you want your tan to last longer, keep exfoliating your skin more gently, once a week. CHOOSE A GOOD TIME FOR SUNBATHING To get color more safely it is important to sunbathe before 11 am and in the afternoon after 4 pm; since in the middle hours of the day it is even more aggressive. And don't be in a hurry. Ideally, for the first few days you should be out in the sun for a maximum of 30 minutes. Slowly and with good handwriting, only then will you get a tan that will last until Christmas. MOISTURIZES THE SKIN A well-hydrated skin is absolutely necessary for the tan to last over time. So: drink lots of water, apply sunscreen (every two to three hours) when you are sunbathing and apply aftersun after showering, once you get home. This will prevent the skin from becoming dehydrated and flaking, which completely spoils the tan. USE A SELF-TUNNER Whiter skin suffers more from the sun, so this is a good resource to get a quick brunette if you are very white. It consists of applying a self-tanning cream all over the body. The use of these products is very effective, since they have DHA, which is a substance capable of reacting with the amino acids present in the skin. Self-tanners have no contraindications, although it is important to check that you are not allergic to any of the components of the product. Try it before on a small part of your body that is not visible. You will achieve the golden tone you always dreamed of without risks! THE SUN PROTECTION CREAM: A MUST Under no circumstances do you sunbathe without first applying a good layer of sunscreenprotective. It is the most important of all, and ignore the false myth: sunscreen does NOT prevent you from going brown. We get serious, but it is very important to protect the skin from the sun's rays, which are increasingly aggressive. Sunscreen will be your best ally for your sunbathing sessions, it is a must that you can never miss in your beach or pool bag. And after finishing the session, don't forget to apply aftersun. And, if you take good care of your skin, you will not suffer burns and you will be able to sunbathe continuously without having to rest, so the tan will appear much earlier and will last longer. And don't just protect your skin. Hair also suffers a lot from the sun's rays, so be sure to get yourself a good natural shampoo and with a conditioner or mask so it looks hydrated and beautiful all summer long. Oh well, and before we finish, here are some popular homemade tricks that you should never ever do if you don't want to put your health at risk: No oilolive or sunflower while you sunbathe. Unless you have a fried egg complex. If you use any oil to accelerate the tan, make it specific for it. Do not apply Coca Cola or lemon either. These products not only do not promote the activation of melanin, but also cause the skin to burn. Remember, skin has memory, so go brown, but always with a head!
How to tan faster - the best tips and tricks
Summer is coming and with it one of the great dilemmas of the season: show off beautiful and super tanned skin. Because yes, nowadays, being dark is in fashion. But… Is it worth losing your mind and doing anything to get a quick brunette in the summer? Of course not. Due to the deterioration of the ozone layer, the sun is more dangerous than ever, so we have to take care of our skin if we do not want to have scares in the future (such as melanomas or, in the best of cases, spots or aged skin). So today, we present you the best tricks to get brunette fast but without your skin experiencing any risk. 6 TRICKS TO GET A BRUNETTE QUICK AND SAFELY Let's see, lover of the star king: it is not necessary that from the moment you get up until you go to bed you look for each of the rays of sun that you come across to affect your skin to make you brown faster. You don't have to be a lizard, you can sit on a shady terrace to have a quiet drink, or eat under the umbrella on the beach and enjoy the moment without the heat leaving you half fainted. And it won't take you longer to tan. Especially if you follow these tips that we give you below: EAT FOODS RICH IN BETACAROTENE Did you know that some foods accelerate tanning? What we eat influences everything (and more than we think). And, there are foods that contribute to the production of melanin, a natural pigment in our body that is mainly responsible for the coloring of the skin. If you want to increase your melanin levels, take a daily juice with 3 carrots and 1 Orange for 3 weeks. You can also try other foods rich in carotenes and antioxidants such as tomatoes, strawberries, apricot, Cherry or the mango. These products also help fight free radicals, protecting the skin from premature aging. Remember that fruit and vegetables they also help you stay well hydrated. In addition, we advise you to use a bronzer with carrot and coconut extracts. EXFOLIATE THE SKIN To get a brunette quickly, one of the best things to do is exfoliate your skin a few days before sunbathing. Why? Well, because this way the layer of dead cells is eliminated, and therefore the skin tans better. I said, do it a few days before (with 3 enough) since if you do it the same day that you are going to expose yourself to the sun, you will only get burned. And if you want your tan to last longer, keep exfoliating your skin more gently, once a week. CHOOSE A GOOD TIME FOR SUNBATHING To get color more safely it is important to sunbathe before 11 am and in the afternoon after 4 pm; since in the middle hours of the day it is even more aggressive. And don't be in a hurry. Ideally, for the first few days you should be out in the sun for a maximum of 30 minutes. Slowly and with good handwriting, only then will you get a tan that will last until Christmas. MOISTURIZES THE SKIN A well-hydrated skin is absolutely necessary for the tan to last over time. So: drink lots of water, apply sunscreen (every two to three hours) when you are sunbathing and apply aftersun after showering, once you get home. This will prevent the skin from becoming dehydrated and flaking, which completely spoils the tan. USE A SELF-TUNNER Whiter skin suffers more from the sun, so this is a good resource to get a quick brunette if you are very white. It consists of applying a self-tanning cream all over the body. The use of these products is very effective, since they have DHA, which is a substance capable of reacting with the amino acids present in the skin. Self-tanners have no contraindications, although it is important to check that you are not allergic to any of the components of the product. Try it before on a small part of your body that is not visible. You will achieve the golden tone you always dreamed of without risks! THE SUN PROTECTION CREAM: A MUST Under no circumstances do you sunbathe without first applying a good layer of sunscreenprotective. It is the most important of all, and ignore the false myth: sunscreen does NOT prevent you from going brown. We get serious, but it is very important to protect the skin from the sun's rays, which are increasingly aggressive. Sunscreen will be your best ally for your sunbathing sessions, it is a must that you can never miss in your beach or pool bag. And after finishing the session, don't forget to apply aftersun. And, if you take good care of your skin, you will not suffer burns and you will be able to sunbathe continuously without having to rest, so the tan will appear much earlier and will last longer. And don't just protect your skin. Hair also suffers a lot from the sun's rays, so be sure to get yourself a good natural shampoo and with a conditioner or mask so it looks hydrated and beautiful all summer long. Oh well, and before we finish, here are some popular homemade tricks that you should never ever do if you don't want to put your health at risk: No oilolive or sunflower while you sunbathe. Unless you have a fried egg complex. If you use any oil to accelerate the tan, make it specific for it. Do not apply Coca Cola or lemon either. These products not only do not promote the activation of melanin, but also cause the skin to burn. Remember, skin has memory, so go brown, but always with a head!
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We continue with the review of the best essential oils in the world (if you have not seen the properties of calendula oil, of sweet almond oil or of jojoba oil; we don't know what you're waiting for). Today is the turn of rosehip oil. What is pure rosehip oil? Rosehip, which is a wild shrub that grows mainly in Europe, Africa and America, especially in the region of Chile and Argentina. The oil in this plant is harvested from its seeds and is packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids that work wonders on the skin. It is high in linoleic acid, tocopherol, and carotenes. A curious fact: despite its name, rosehip oil does not smell like roses. In fact, the smell of pure rosehip oil is quite strong, so if you want a scent with the scent of roses, we recommend that you take a look at perfumes such as DIVAIN-582 or DIVAIN-086. WHAT ARE THE PROPERTIES OF ROSEHIP OIL? Rosehip is an excellent skin regenerator, as it helps to eliminate spots, scars, and stretch marks. In addition, this product can also be taken in the form of tea. Among the properties of rosehip we highlight the following: Strengthens the immune system. Helps to lose weight. Prevents premature aging. Improves heart health. Vegetable essential oils were already used by the Mayans and Native Americans for their healing properties, and pure rosehip oil is no exception. And it is that it has more vitamin C than an orange or a lemon! Being rich in this vitamin, rosehip can help reduce ultraviolet light damage caused by free radicals, which is why it is widely used to regenerate the skin and treat blemishes. It also assists in the production of collagen, which helps prevent wrinkles and signs of aging, as well as heal wounds (surely if you have ever had a scar they have recommended that you apply this oil) and avoid dry skin. Given such properties, this body oil is also used in other treatments such as aromatherapy, as it reduces blood pressure and respiratory rate, helping people to be more calm and relaxed. Rosehip can be used twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. The most common way to use it is to apply it directly to the skin, so we recommend that if it is the first time you put it on, you do it in a fairly limited area, so that, if you are allergic (although it would be rare, rare), the damage is not very big. Ah! And be sure to store it in a cool, dark place to avoid spoiling. WHAT IS THE PURE ROSE MOSQUETA OIL FOR? Rosehip oil has many benefits, so we recommend including it in your beauty routine. It is very effective in hydrating the skin due to its high levels of essential fatty acids, especially omega 3 and omega 6. It is excellent for people with oily skin, as it is considered an ideal pure oil to fight acne. Its high concentration of linoleic acid is particularly beneficial for those who suffer from pimples and pimples. In addition, it is also used to treat hyperpigmentation or blemishes. Although without a doubt, the following uses are the most popular: ROSE MOSQUETA OIL FOR SCARS This oil is rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants, which are an integral part of tissue and cell regeneration. For this reason, this cream is used as a remedy that helps heal wounds, as well as to reduce scars, wrinkles and facial expression lines. There are several experts who have confirmed these benefits of the cream. For example, in a study at the University of Barcelona, two groups of people with skin scars participated. Patients in one group were treated twice daily with rosehip oil. After 12 weeks, the group that gently massaged rosehip oil for scars, experienced a significant improvement in the color and inflammation of their skin wounds, much more than the group that did not receive this treatment. ROSE MOSQUETA OIL FOR HAIR Rosehip oil is also ideal for hair, especially for the driest and most damaged. And it is that, thanks to its regenerative and moisturizing properties: Avoid flaking of the scalp. Repairs hair damaged by heat and color. Prevents dryness. Fight frizz. And make it look silky and shiny. There is nothing! Start making rosehip oil hair masks and apply for Pantene Hair 2021. ROSE MOSQUETA OIL FOR PREGNANCY This oil is one of the best allies for pregnant women, as it helps reduce cellulite and prevent the dreaded stretch marks that tend to form due to skin tightening. To do this, simply apply a few drops of rosehip oil or cream on the skin every day and massage gently for a few minutes. Although of course, not only pregnant women want to reduce stretch marks or prevent cellulite, so it is indicated for absolutely all those who want to do so. And it goes great, you'll see!
Properties of Rose hip Oil - What is it useful for?
We continue with the review of the best essential oils in the world (if you have not seen the properties of calendula oil, of sweet almond oil or of jojoba oil; we don't know what you're waiting for). Today is the turn of rosehip oil. What is pure rosehip oil? Rosehip, which is a wild shrub that grows mainly in Europe, Africa and America, especially in the region of Chile and Argentina. The oil in this plant is harvested from its seeds and is packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids that work wonders on the skin. It is high in linoleic acid, tocopherol, and carotenes. A curious fact: despite its name, rosehip oil does not smell like roses. In fact, the smell of pure rosehip oil is quite strong, so if you want a scent with the scent of roses, we recommend that you take a look at perfumes such as DIVAIN-582 or DIVAIN-086. WHAT ARE THE PROPERTIES OF ROSEHIP OIL? Rosehip is an excellent skin regenerator, as it helps to eliminate spots, scars, and stretch marks. In addition, this product can also be taken in the form of tea. Among the properties of rosehip we highlight the following: Strengthens the immune system. Helps to lose weight. Prevents premature aging. Improves heart health. Vegetable essential oils were already used by the Mayans and Native Americans for their healing properties, and pure rosehip oil is no exception. And it is that it has more vitamin C than an orange or a lemon! Being rich in this vitamin, rosehip can help reduce ultraviolet light damage caused by free radicals, which is why it is widely used to regenerate the skin and treat blemishes. It also assists in the production of collagen, which helps prevent wrinkles and signs of aging, as well as heal wounds (surely if you have ever had a scar they have recommended that you apply this oil) and avoid dry skin. Given such properties, this body oil is also used in other treatments such as aromatherapy, as it reduces blood pressure and respiratory rate, helping people to be more calm and relaxed. Rosehip can be used twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. The most common way to use it is to apply it directly to the skin, so we recommend that if it is the first time you put it on, you do it in a fairly limited area, so that, if you are allergic (although it would be rare, rare), the damage is not very big. Ah! And be sure to store it in a cool, dark place to avoid spoiling. WHAT IS THE PURE ROSE MOSQUETA OIL FOR? Rosehip oil has many benefits, so we recommend including it in your beauty routine. It is very effective in hydrating the skin due to its high levels of essential fatty acids, especially omega 3 and omega 6. It is excellent for people with oily skin, as it is considered an ideal pure oil to fight acne. Its high concentration of linoleic acid is particularly beneficial for those who suffer from pimples and pimples. In addition, it is also used to treat hyperpigmentation or blemishes. Although without a doubt, the following uses are the most popular: ROSE MOSQUETA OIL FOR SCARS This oil is rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants, which are an integral part of tissue and cell regeneration. For this reason, this cream is used as a remedy that helps heal wounds, as well as to reduce scars, wrinkles and facial expression lines. There are several experts who have confirmed these benefits of the cream. For example, in a study at the University of Barcelona, two groups of people with skin scars participated. Patients in one group were treated twice daily with rosehip oil. After 12 weeks, the group that gently massaged rosehip oil for scars, experienced a significant improvement in the color and inflammation of their skin wounds, much more than the group that did not receive this treatment. ROSE MOSQUETA OIL FOR HAIR Rosehip oil is also ideal for hair, especially for the driest and most damaged. And it is that, thanks to its regenerative and moisturizing properties: Avoid flaking of the scalp. Repairs hair damaged by heat and color. Prevents dryness. Fight frizz. And make it look silky and shiny. There is nothing! Start making rosehip oil hair masks and apply for Pantene Hair 2021. ROSE MOSQUETA OIL FOR PREGNANCY This oil is one of the best allies for pregnant women, as it helps reduce cellulite and prevent the dreaded stretch marks that tend to form due to skin tightening. To do this, simply apply a few drops of rosehip oil or cream on the skin every day and massage gently for a few minutes. Although of course, not only pregnant women want to reduce stretch marks or prevent cellulite, so it is indicated for absolutely all those who want to do so. And it goes great, you'll see!
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Having strong, healthy and of course well-groomed hair are key to maintaining a good appearance. It doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman, surely you have noticed times when your hair has fallen out more than usual.The best way to prevent hair loss and thinning while nourishing, caring for and protecting your scalp is to use hair loss shampoos. These products are great treatment for hair loss or thinning in men and revitalizing the strands of hair from the roots, often creating more volume They can also help prevent stress or side effects of some medications and treatment doing their thing. How to choose the best hair loss shampoo The world of shampoos is massive in the beauty industry these days. If you are looking for products to enhance your beauty, create growth and volume and avoid thinning check out the following products being put to work on the health and beauty market to combat hair loss: Hair type: just like when you buy a normal shampoo, it is preferable to find one to suit your hair type and scalp, (oily, normal or dry) . Natural ingredients: One of the causes of hair loss is not using the right shampoo. Only too frequently for both ease and price we take standard supermarket shampoos. These shampoo’s however are usually full of chemicals and additives that damage the hair. To combat hair loss you should look for shampoos with natural ingredients, among the best at work in the health and beauty market are those that have argan oil, caffeine C1 and ginger. Volume of hair loss: as a general rule, although it seems alot, we usually lose on average between 50 and 100 hairs a day. If you are losing slightly above that range, you could start with a more generic shampoo. But if you lose many strands a day, it is better that a doctor advise you to know which treatment is best to follow to let it work best for you. Best hair loss shampoos for men Do you want to know which are the best hair loss shampoos for men? To help you in the search for the perfect shampoo, we have compared a couple of shampoos that protect the scalp and prevent hair loss and thinning in men taking into account various opinions and reviews. Alpecin Shampoo with Caffeine C1 The Alpecin hair loss shampoo for men stands out as being one of the most commonly used as well as one that offers the best results on the market by using C1 caffeine to stimulate hair at the root. This compound along with biotin strengthens your hair follicles, that is, the scalp and stimulates hair growth. Most of the ingredients in this product are of natural origin. In addition, its masculine fragrance has been achieved without using harmful chemicals. Its price is quite affordable, and is available from € 8 (find it on amazon). Mroobest Hair Loss Shampoo Mroobest shampoo for hair loss is an ideal option to leave behind chemical-filled products and change to a 100% natural one. Its ingredients are all extracted from plants, such as turmeric, ginger or grapefruit rind amongst others. All this manages to generate a very pleasant shampoo that leaves the hair soft and silky and strengthens the grip of the scalp to help reduce hair loss and thinning. You can buy this shampoo for just € 17 (also available on amazon). Best hair loss shampoo for women Are you looking for a good ladies shampoo? Here we show you which are the best products on the market to treat hair loss, add volume and growth and enhance your beauty once again. Although many shampoos are suitable for men and women, we recommend purchasing one focused on women’s needs. Kerzo Hair Loss Shampoo for women Kerzo hair loss shampoo is the best on the market in terms of quality / price to prevent hair loss for us ladies. The ingredients of this product are focused on the protection of the hair follicle, reducing hair loss instantly. Its is priced at approximately € 4. Lacer Pilexil Hair Loss Shampoo Lacer is one of the best shampoos that exists, its famous anti-hair loss Pilexil. This dermatologically tested shampoo has an innovative formula that, thanks to its ingredients, manages to be one of the most effective treatments for hair loss and for the protection of the scalp. Among the ingredients this product contains vitamins, minerals and other molecules that act efficiently on hair loss. It has a great price, being available at just € 2, (also available on amazon). If you are looking to use a shampoo that slows hair loss and is cheap, Pilexil Hair Loss is a very good option.
The Best Hair Loss Shampoo's for men and women
Having strong, healthy and of course well-groomed hair are key to maintaining a good appearance. It doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman, surely you have noticed times when your hair has fallen out more than usual.The best way to prevent hair loss and thinning while nourishing, caring for and protecting your scalp is to use hair loss shampoos. These products are great treatment for hair loss or thinning in men and revitalizing the strands of hair from the roots, often creating more volume They can also help prevent stress or side effects of some medications and treatment doing their thing. How to choose the best hair loss shampoo The world of shampoos is massive in the beauty industry these days. If you are looking for products to enhance your beauty, create growth and volume and avoid thinning check out the following products being put to work on the health and beauty market to combat hair loss: Hair type: just like when you buy a normal shampoo, it is preferable to find one to suit your hair type and scalp, (oily, normal or dry) . Natural ingredients: One of the causes of hair loss is not using the right shampoo. Only too frequently for both ease and price we take standard supermarket shampoos. These shampoo’s however are usually full of chemicals and additives that damage the hair. To combat hair loss you should look for shampoos with natural ingredients, among the best at work in the health and beauty market are those that have argan oil, caffeine C1 and ginger. Volume of hair loss: as a general rule, although it seems alot, we usually lose on average between 50 and 100 hairs a day. If you are losing slightly above that range, you could start with a more generic shampoo. But if you lose many strands a day, it is better that a doctor advise you to know which treatment is best to follow to let it work best for you. Best hair loss shampoos for men Do you want to know which are the best hair loss shampoos for men? To help you in the search for the perfect shampoo, we have compared a couple of shampoos that protect the scalp and prevent hair loss and thinning in men taking into account various opinions and reviews. Alpecin Shampoo with Caffeine C1 The Alpecin hair loss shampoo for men stands out as being one of the most commonly used as well as one that offers the best results on the market by using C1 caffeine to stimulate hair at the root. This compound along with biotin strengthens your hair follicles, that is, the scalp and stimulates hair growth. Most of the ingredients in this product are of natural origin. In addition, its masculine fragrance has been achieved without using harmful chemicals. Its price is quite affordable, and is available from € 8 (find it on amazon). Mroobest Hair Loss Shampoo Mroobest shampoo for hair loss is an ideal option to leave behind chemical-filled products and change to a 100% natural one. Its ingredients are all extracted from plants, such as turmeric, ginger or grapefruit rind amongst others. All this manages to generate a very pleasant shampoo that leaves the hair soft and silky and strengthens the grip of the scalp to help reduce hair loss and thinning. You can buy this shampoo for just € 17 (also available on amazon). Best hair loss shampoo for women Are you looking for a good ladies shampoo? Here we show you which are the best products on the market to treat hair loss, add volume and growth and enhance your beauty once again. Although many shampoos are suitable for men and women, we recommend purchasing one focused on women’s needs. Kerzo Hair Loss Shampoo for women Kerzo hair loss shampoo is the best on the market in terms of quality / price to prevent hair loss for us ladies. The ingredients of this product are focused on the protection of the hair follicle, reducing hair loss instantly. Its is priced at approximately € 4. Lacer Pilexil Hair Loss Shampoo Lacer is one of the best shampoos that exists, its famous anti-hair loss Pilexil. This dermatologically tested shampoo has an innovative formula that, thanks to its ingredients, manages to be one of the most effective treatments for hair loss and for the protection of the scalp. Among the ingredients this product contains vitamins, minerals and other molecules that act efficiently on hair loss. It has a great price, being available at just € 2, (also available on amazon). If you are looking to use a shampoo that slows hair loss and is cheap, Pilexil Hair Loss is a very good option.
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Gel or Shellac nail manicures are one of the most popular beauty rituals among women. If you have the right tools and want to save some money you can do this beauty treatment in your own home, free of charge. We will tell you how, step by step.
Gel nail manicures - a step by step guide
Gel or Shellac nail manicures are one of the most popular beauty rituals among women. If you have the right tools and want to save some money you can do this beauty treatment in your own home, free of charge. We will tell you how, step by step.
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Do you want to say goodbye to frizz? If your answer is yes, then you should learn everything there is to know about the new keratin straightening treatment. The best way to smooth your locks in need of some help.
Keratin Straightening treatments: the advantages and disadvantages
Do you want to say goodbye to frizz? If your answer is yes, then you should learn everything there is to know about the new keratin straightening treatment. The best way to smooth your locks in need of some help.
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Sometimes it can be a real task to find a face or body cream that is able to adapt to our beauty needs. At DIVAIN we want to help you find your ideal cream, and that is why we have put together a list of the best anti-ageing creams for both men and women over 50.
The best creams for over 50’s
Sometimes it can be a real task to find a face or body cream that is able to adapt to our beauty needs. At DIVAIN we want to help you find your ideal cream, and that is why we have put together a list of the best anti-ageing creams for both men and women over 50.
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Snail cream is one of the most used products in beauty due to its variety of benefits for skin health. Moisturising snail mucin is used to treat skin conditions including acne, scars and skin pigmentation, as well as being used to for cell repair as an anti-aging and collagen booting skin gel, serum or cream.
Properties and benefits of Snail gel cream
Snail cream is one of the most used products in beauty due to its variety of benefits for skin health. Moisturising snail mucin is used to treat skin conditions including acne, scars and skin pigmentation, as well as being used to for cell repair as an anti-aging and collagen booting skin gel, serum or cream.
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The best barbers have been working with facial hair for years and they know how to trim your beard or stubble to perfection, they are able to identify what type of facial hair you have and which style best accentuates your features. If you don't have time to go to the barbershop though, or you want to save some money, DIVAIN brings you a small guide on beard grooming and how to keep yourself looking trim at home!
How to trim your beard at home. Tips and advice
The best barbers have been working with facial hair for years and they know how to trim your beard or stubble to perfection, they are able to identify what type of facial hair you have and which style best accentuates your features. If you don't have time to go to the barbershop though, or you want to save some money, DIVAIN brings you a small guide on beard grooming and how to keep yourself looking trim at home!
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Gel nails are ideal to keep your nails looking perfect and in good health for a long time. The only downside to this type of manicure and nail polish is that it's removal is quite difficult , as well as this, not removing it properly can lead to infections, nail loss and even permanent damage.If you follow a series of simple steps however, you will be able to take care of the removal of the gel polish and the nail at home yourself without going to beauty salons. You can save both time and money on your removal! Here's how to remove a semi -permanent gel nail manicure. Take note!
How to remove gel nails at home step by step
Gel nails are ideal to keep your nails looking perfect and in good health for a long time. The only downside to this type of manicure and nail polish is that it's removal is quite difficult , as well as this, not removing it properly can lead to infections, nail loss and even permanent damage.If you follow a series of simple steps however, you will be able to take care of the removal of the gel polish and the nail at home yourself without going to beauty salons. You can save both time and money on your removal! Here's how to remove a semi -permanent gel nail manicure. Take note!
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