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Chia seeds are one of those super foods that is on the tip of everyone’s tongue, though some of us are not quite sure how to use chia seeds and what the benefits of this small and highly versatile seed.
How to eat Chia seeds & their benefits
Chia seeds are one of those super foods that is on the tip of everyone’s tongue, though some of us are not quite sure how to use chia seeds and what the benefits of this small and highly versatile seed.
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For sure you know that drinking water every day is essential to our health. In fact if we stopped drinking it, we couldn't survive more than a week. But do you know why?
8 Benefits of drinking water
For sure you know that drinking water every day is essential to our health. In fact if we stopped drinking it, we couldn't survive more than a week. But do you know why?
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Flexibility is the ability we have to stretch freely without breaking or hurting ourselves. Being flexible has many health benefits, such as helping you enjoy your favourite sport, as well as reducing the probability of injury.
How to Improve flexibility: 7 basic exercises
Flexibility is the ability we have to stretch freely without breaking or hurting ourselves. Being flexible has many health benefits, such as helping you enjoy your favourite sport, as well as reducing the probability of injury.
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Large amounts of glucose, or sugar, in our blood can be harmful to health as we known and in today's world this is happening more frequently due to us having, in general, a less healthy diet. When we have 'high blood sugar', we are classed as having diabetes or 'having hyperglycemia'. At this stage doctors usually prescribe a variety of medications that help lower blood glucose levels or increase insulin production. It is however becoming more common now though to be able to reverse the effects of diabetes for some people by simply changing to a better diet, more exercise and generally a healthier way of living.
The 6 best Teas to lower blood sugar levels
Large amounts of glucose, or sugar, in our blood can be harmful to health as we known and in today's world this is happening more frequently due to us having, in general, a less healthy diet. When we have 'high blood sugar', we are classed as having diabetes or 'having hyperglycemia'. At this stage doctors usually prescribe a variety of medications that help lower blood glucose levels or increase insulin production. It is however becoming more common now though to be able to reverse the effects of diabetes for some people by simply changing to a better diet, more exercise and generally a healthier way of living.
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Today Veganism has ceased to be a simple fashion and has become a true lifestyle that hundreds and thousands of people now faithfully follow in their day to day routines. We now know that eating a vegan diet has multiple benefits not only for your body, but also for the nature and our planet.
7 great vegan food products on the market
Today Veganism has ceased to be a simple fashion and has become a true lifestyle that hundreds and thousands of people now faithfully follow in their day to day routines. We now know that eating a vegan diet has multiple benefits not only for your body, but also for the nature and our planet.
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Tattoos have become a popular way for people to express themselves these days and perhaps to show a small part of our personalities to the world. If you have decided to get your first tattoo then aftercare is important and you will need to know how to keep it clean, free from infection whilst healing, as well as how to help the new ink settle in to your skin.
How to care for a new tattoo. Advice and tips
Tattoos have become a popular way for people to express themselves these days and perhaps to show a small part of our personalities to the world. If you have decided to get your first tattoo then aftercare is important and you will need to know how to keep it clean, free from infection whilst healing, as well as how to help the new ink settle in to your skin.
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Black garlic has gained such popularity in recent years due to its health benefits that it has become one of the most fashionable new ingredients used in recipes by professional chefs and by herbalists and health food shops as supplements due to its antioxidant effects on the body.Black garlic is made by subjecting traditional garlic to a process of chemical known as the Maillard reaction. To achieve this reaction and colour the garlic must be kept for an entire month at a constant temperature of between between 65ºC - 80ºC . Amongst it's many benefits, black garlic is known to keep our heart healthy. If you are intrigued read then this article will tell you all you need to know so read on!
Black Garlic - What is it and what are it’s benefits
Black garlic has gained such popularity in recent years due to its health benefits that it has become one of the most fashionable new ingredients used in recipes by professional chefs and by herbalists and health food shops as supplements due to its antioxidant effects on the body.Black garlic is made by subjecting traditional garlic to a process of chemical known as the Maillard reaction. To achieve this reaction and colour the garlic must be kept for an entire month at a constant temperature of between between 65ºC - 80ºC . Amongst it's many benefits, black garlic is known to keep our heart healthy. If you are intrigued read then this article will tell you all you need to know so read on!
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Is it bad for your health to eat melon at night? Is it a fattening? Surely if you are reading this it is because you have asked yourself these or other similar questions about this food.In this article we want to talk to you about why melon is one of many healthy foods you can eat, as well as the myths and truths that have been related to this tasty tropical fruit. Read on to find out more!
Does melon make you fat? Myths and truths about this topical fruit
Is it bad for your health to eat melon at night? Is it a fattening? Surely if you are reading this it is because you have asked yourself these or other similar questions about this food.In this article we want to talk to you about why melon is one of many healthy foods you can eat, as well as the myths and truths that have been related to this tasty tropical fruit. Read on to find out more!
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Fat, carbohydrates and protein are the three most important macronutrients for our body, because they allow the body to remain healthy with proper function or our organs and be healthy. Protein and amino acids are essential to repair and protect cells and tissues. This is why it is so important that we eat high quality protein rich foods.Protein can be found in foods from both animal and plant origin. However, in this article we will focus only on the latter. Whether you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet or not, these 9 foods are a great source of healthy plant protein and should be part of your regular diet. Nuts and seeds Nuts and seeds, a food source rich in protein and of plant and mineral origin. 100 grams of nuts or seeds provide can provide a healthy 12 and 20 grams of protein, depending on the type. Quite a high percentage of protein for the size of them! You can add them to your salads, as a topping on vegetables or include them in other recipes such as vegan cheeses on top of a pasta or oven baked dish. Pulses Pulses, better known as beans like chickpeas, soybeans, or lentils are a great source of fibre, complex carbohydrates, and protein. For example, a cup of cooked lentils, rich in vegetable amino acids, provides 18 grams of protein per 100 grams. You can cook beans with spices and vegetables, use them in salads, make vegan and vegetarian burgers, and even make hummus. Beans are also a good source of iron with Chickpeas and Black eyed beans being the best source of iron in this food group. Chia Seeds Chia seeds are a really good source of protein and also a source of protein with especially high nutritional value and vitamins. They also are a source of carbohydrates and unsaturated fatty acids. 100 grams of these seeds contain about 20 grams of protein for our diet. They are a super healthy super food with many beneficial properties. They are again suitable for a vegan and vegetarian diet and you can eat them in salads and with vegetables. Our favourite way to eat them is in cereals and smoothies as they absorb a high liquid content and add texture. Quinoa One of the most versatile sources of plant protein you can eat is Quinoa. Quinoa can be used as an alternative to rice, to make salads, sautéd in the wok with vegetables or one of the many health food eaten as a cereal. It is great for our diet with proteins, carbohydrates and fibre. Just 100 grams of boiled quinoa provides about 13 grams of protein. Oats Oats are rich in fibre, vitamins, and minerals. In addition to being an important source of plant-based proteins. Oats can be filling and provide a large amount of energy, which is why they are popular with athletes. There are about 12 grams of protein in every 100 grams of oats. and you can use them in so many foods from baking, smoothies, cereals and even vegan or vegetarian burgers to fill them out as well as other recipes. Miso Miso is a paste made from soy beans fermented with sea salt. This food rich in vegetable protein is very typical in the cuisine of China and Japan and is often used to make marinade for meat and fish, as well as sauces or patés or to make the traditional miso soup. For every 100 grams of miso, there are 12 grams of protein. Mushrooms Mushrooms, in addition to being delicious, provide 3 grams of protein per 100 grams and can be consumed in different ways. You can make cream of mushrooms, sauté them with other vegetables, make pasta sauce, omelette, or grill it with cheese, egg or vegetables on top and many more recipes. They are a great food for those on a vegetarian or vegan diet as they can be quite filling and have many health benefits. Spirulina Spirulina is a micro-algae that contains about 70% protein so it is a great source of plant protein. It has many benefits for our health and also for the health of our skin. You can add it to recipes for smoothies, juices and desserts and it is packed with vitamins. Peanuts Peanuts are one of the foods with the highest sources of protein and unsaturated fats. In every 100 grams of peanuts there are 24 grams of protein. But it is also a food high in calories, so you have to be careful since 100g of peanuts provide 567 calories. Yikes!
9 foods that high in vegetable protein for a healthy diet
Fat, carbohydrates and protein are the three most important macronutrients for our body, because they allow the body to remain healthy with proper function or our organs and be healthy. Protein and amino acids are essential to repair and protect cells and tissues. This is why it is so important that we eat high quality protein rich foods.Protein can be found in foods from both animal and plant origin. However, in this article we will focus only on the latter. Whether you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet or not, these 9 foods are a great source of healthy plant protein and should be part of your regular diet. Nuts and seeds Nuts and seeds, a food source rich in protein and of plant and mineral origin. 100 grams of nuts or seeds provide can provide a healthy 12 and 20 grams of protein, depending on the type. Quite a high percentage of protein for the size of them! You can add them to your salads, as a topping on vegetables or include them in other recipes such as vegan cheeses on top of a pasta or oven baked dish. Pulses Pulses, better known as beans like chickpeas, soybeans, or lentils are a great source of fibre, complex carbohydrates, and protein. For example, a cup of cooked lentils, rich in vegetable amino acids, provides 18 grams of protein per 100 grams. You can cook beans with spices and vegetables, use them in salads, make vegan and vegetarian burgers, and even make hummus. Beans are also a good source of iron with Chickpeas and Black eyed beans being the best source of iron in this food group. Chia Seeds Chia seeds are a really good source of protein and also a source of protein with especially high nutritional value and vitamins. They also are a source of carbohydrates and unsaturated fatty acids. 100 grams of these seeds contain about 20 grams of protein for our diet. They are a super healthy super food with many beneficial properties. They are again suitable for a vegan and vegetarian diet and you can eat them in salads and with vegetables. Our favourite way to eat them is in cereals and smoothies as they absorb a high liquid content and add texture. Quinoa One of the most versatile sources of plant protein you can eat is Quinoa. Quinoa can be used as an alternative to rice, to make salads, sautéd in the wok with vegetables or one of the many health food eaten as a cereal. It is great for our diet with proteins, carbohydrates and fibre. Just 100 grams of boiled quinoa provides about 13 grams of protein. Oats Oats are rich in fibre, vitamins, and minerals. In addition to being an important source of plant-based proteins. Oats can be filling and provide a large amount of energy, which is why they are popular with athletes. There are about 12 grams of protein in every 100 grams of oats. and you can use them in so many foods from baking, smoothies, cereals and even vegan or vegetarian burgers to fill them out as well as other recipes. Miso Miso is a paste made from soy beans fermented with sea salt. This food rich in vegetable protein is very typical in the cuisine of China and Japan and is often used to make marinade for meat and fish, as well as sauces or patés or to make the traditional miso soup. For every 100 grams of miso, there are 12 grams of protein. Mushrooms Mushrooms, in addition to being delicious, provide 3 grams of protein per 100 grams and can be consumed in different ways. You can make cream of mushrooms, sauté them with other vegetables, make pasta sauce, omelette, or grill it with cheese, egg or vegetables on top and many more recipes. They are a great food for those on a vegetarian or vegan diet as they can be quite filling and have many health benefits. Spirulina Spirulina is a micro-algae that contains about 70% protein so it is a great source of plant protein. It has many benefits for our health and also for the health of our skin. You can add it to recipes for smoothies, juices and desserts and it is packed with vitamins. Peanuts Peanuts are one of the foods with the highest sources of protein and unsaturated fats. In every 100 grams of peanuts there are 24 grams of protein. But it is also a food high in calories, so you have to be careful since 100g of peanuts provide 567 calories. Yikes!
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