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Vil du sige farvel til skælet i dit hår? Hvis dit svar er ja, så skal du vide alt om keratin glatning. Påføringen af keratin på håret består af en meget populær permanent glattebehandling, der er i stand til at nære hovedbunden, forbedre hårfibrene og tilføje glans til tørt og beskadiget hår hos kvinder. Proceduren har sin videnskab, og derfor er det vigtigt, at du kender dens fordele og ulemper, samt behandlingens varighed og andre detaljer af interesse. Lad os komme igang! Hvad er Keratin? Keratinen er et naturligt protein produceret af kroppen, ansvarlig for at give elasticitet, styrke og glans til hår og negle. Dens oprindelse er naturlig, hår er den vigtigste kilde til protein, selvom det også kan findes i huden på mennesker og i nogle dele af dyr, såsom kløer eller fjer. Keratinen bruges til at styrke håret og holde det skinnende i lang tid. Glatning med keratin For at opnå et skinnende og håndterbart hår er en af de bedste skønhedsbehandlinger til kvinder permanent keratin glatning. Dernæst vil vi fortælle dig, hvad det præcist består af, dets fordele og ulemper. Hvad består det af?? Keratin glatning er en kosmetisk procedure til kvinder, der udføres med det formål at nære hårfibrene, give håret et glat, skinnende og modstandsdygtigt udseende, især de hår, der er beskadiget eller svært at håndtere, såsom bølgede, krøllede eller kruset hår. . Kroppen genererer allerede naturligt keratin, men takket være denne behandling vil du være i stand til at forbedre processen og fremskynde genoplivningen af håret. Virkningen af keratin på håret er ikke 100 % permanent, da behandlingens varighed kan variere alt efter den pleje du udfører. Det varer normalt mellem 4 og 5 måneder. Den grundlæggende pleje, der skal tages i betragtning for at forlænge resultaterne af disse glattebehandlinger, er: Brug de bedste sulfatfrie produkter. Undgå saltvand eller poolvand, der indeholder klor. Farv ikke håret efter påføring af keratinbehandlingen. Efter at have solbadet de første ti dage efter påføring af keratin. Fordele ved keratin glatning Keratin glattebehandling er en gave til enhver kvinde med uoverskueligt krøllet, bølget eller kruset hår. Her fortæller vi dig fordelene ved behandlingen: Fjerner skæl i håret og giver det en blødere og lettere tekstur. Den tilføjer glans fra rødderne til enderne, hvilket giver et vitalt og skinnende udseende. Nærer håret, øger den naturlige glans og forbedrer farven bedre. Styrker hårfibrene og gør det modstandsdygtigt. Den er ideel til at forvandle bølget hår til glat hår, takket være dens egenskab til at blødgøre hårfibrene. Det reparerer beskadiget hår af soleksponering eller konstant brug af varme. Efterlader håret glat i flere måneder. Takket være dets nærende egenskaber, ved at kombinere keratin med hyaluronsyre, bliver håret sundere, hydreret og skinnende. Ulemper ved behandlingen Uanset hvilken type keratinbehandling du ønsker at have, om du vil gøre det i en skønhedssalon, et æstetisk center eller derhjemme, skal du kende den negative side af proceduren. Her efterlader vi dig ulemperne ved at lave en hår glatning med keratin: Keratinbehandlinger indeholder formalin, et stof, der bruges i mange produkter, og som viser sig at være giftigt og aggressivt over for hovedbunden og hårfibrene. I nogle lande er salg og køb af produkter, der indeholder en høj dosis formalin blandt dets komponenter, blevet forbudt. Langvarig brug af keratinbehandlinger kan forårsage allergi, irritation eller afskalning af hovedbunden. Den kan kun bruges på rigeligt og tykt hår, da glattebehandlingen er aggressiv og kan knække det eller generere spaltede spidser. Behandlingen er dyr, og hvis du gør det i et skønhedscenter, endnu mere. Afhængigt af hvilken type keratinbehandling du ønsker at anvende, kan omkostningerne også variere.
Keratin glatning: fordele og ulemper ved behandlingen
Vil du sige farvel til skælet i dit hår? Hvis dit svar er ja, så skal du vide alt om keratin glatning. Påføringen af keratin på håret består af en meget populær permanent glattebehandling, der er i stand til at nære hovedbunden, forbedre hårfibrene og tilføje glans til tørt og beskadiget hår hos kvinder. Proceduren har sin videnskab, og derfor er det vigtigt, at du kender dens fordele og ulemper, samt behandlingens varighed og andre detaljer af interesse. Lad os komme igang! Hvad er Keratin? Keratinen er et naturligt protein produceret af kroppen, ansvarlig for at give elasticitet, styrke og glans til hår og negle. Dens oprindelse er naturlig, hår er den vigtigste kilde til protein, selvom det også kan findes i huden på mennesker og i nogle dele af dyr, såsom kløer eller fjer. Keratinen bruges til at styrke håret og holde det skinnende i lang tid. Glatning med keratin For at opnå et skinnende og håndterbart hår er en af de bedste skønhedsbehandlinger til kvinder permanent keratin glatning. Dernæst vil vi fortælle dig, hvad det præcist består af, dets fordele og ulemper. Hvad består det af?? Keratin glatning er en kosmetisk procedure til kvinder, der udføres med det formål at nære hårfibrene, give håret et glat, skinnende og modstandsdygtigt udseende, især de hår, der er beskadiget eller svært at håndtere, såsom bølgede, krøllede eller kruset hår. . Kroppen genererer allerede naturligt keratin, men takket være denne behandling vil du være i stand til at forbedre processen og fremskynde genoplivningen af håret. Virkningen af keratin på håret er ikke 100 % permanent, da behandlingens varighed kan variere alt efter den pleje du udfører. Det varer normalt mellem 4 og 5 måneder. Den grundlæggende pleje, der skal tages i betragtning for at forlænge resultaterne af disse glattebehandlinger, er: Brug de bedste sulfatfrie produkter. Undgå saltvand eller poolvand, der indeholder klor. Farv ikke håret efter påføring af keratinbehandlingen. Efter at have solbadet de første ti dage efter påføring af keratin. Fordele ved keratin glatning Keratin glattebehandling er en gave til enhver kvinde med uoverskueligt krøllet, bølget eller kruset hår. Her fortæller vi dig fordelene ved behandlingen: Fjerner skæl i håret og giver det en blødere og lettere tekstur. Den tilføjer glans fra rødderne til enderne, hvilket giver et vitalt og skinnende udseende. Nærer håret, øger den naturlige glans og forbedrer farven bedre. Styrker hårfibrene og gør det modstandsdygtigt. Den er ideel til at forvandle bølget hår til glat hår, takket være dens egenskab til at blødgøre hårfibrene. Det reparerer beskadiget hår af soleksponering eller konstant brug af varme. Efterlader håret glat i flere måneder. Takket være dets nærende egenskaber, ved at kombinere keratin med hyaluronsyre, bliver håret sundere, hydreret og skinnende. Ulemper ved behandlingen Uanset hvilken type keratinbehandling du ønsker at have, om du vil gøre det i en skønhedssalon, et æstetisk center eller derhjemme, skal du kende den negative side af proceduren. Her efterlader vi dig ulemperne ved at lave en hår glatning med keratin: Keratinbehandlinger indeholder formalin, et stof, der bruges i mange produkter, og som viser sig at være giftigt og aggressivt over for hovedbunden og hårfibrene. I nogle lande er salg og køb af produkter, der indeholder en høj dosis formalin blandt dets komponenter, blevet forbudt. Langvarig brug af keratinbehandlinger kan forårsage allergi, irritation eller afskalning af hovedbunden. Den kan kun bruges på rigeligt og tykt hår, da glattebehandlingen er aggressiv og kan knække det eller generere spaltede spidser. Behandlingen er dyr, og hvis du gør det i et skønhedscenter, endnu mere. Afhængigt af hvilken type keratinbehandling du ønsker at anvende, kan omkostningerne også variere.
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Most of the time, after you apply perfume, you stop smelling it in a few minutes, giving you the sensation that you aren’t wearing any. You try to solve this immediately, but wrongly, by applying more perfume. You end up smelling too strongly, and probably end up not smelling it any more anyway. The sense of smell, our most primitive sense But what is the reason that you almost never smell your own perfume? The sense of smell is the most primitive of the senses that we possess. The most surprising thing is that your olfactory heritage, that accumulates over the years unconsciously, has the capacity to evoke images and sensations when it perceives a certain aroma, even if many years have passed since the first time you perceived it. The problem that comes up with perfumes is that our sense of smell gets tired of smelling the same odour constantly. When you constantly perceive the same aromas, your brain filters the essences and your olfactory memory doesn’t remember habitual aromas. A perfume for every occasion For this reason it is recommended, for both women and men, that you have at least 3 perfumes: one for daily use during the weekdays, one for the weekends, and one that you choose for special occasions. This trick is perfect for keeping your nose from getting accustomed quickly to one particular odour. This way it won’t get bored of them, and by continually detecting various odours, it will always detect new notes, not having time to filter them as “habitual odours” and get tired. It is definitely about tricking your sense of smell. There are tricks for making sure that aromas stay concentrated on your skin for longer times, and especially if they are fresh, to make sure they last longer. For example, when you get out of the shower your skin is wet and the pores are more open. This is the ideal moment to apply perfume, so the skin can more easily absorb the aromas, so they can penetrate better and remain concentrated for longer. It is also recommended that you apply the perfumes to places where your body temperature is a little bit higher, like the insides of the wrists, the insides of the elbows, and the sides of the neck. A trick to identify these little areas: when you touch these zones you will more easily be able to feel your pulse.
Why do we stop smelling our own perfume?
Most of the time, after you apply perfume, you stop smelling it in a few minutes, giving you the sensation that you aren’t wearing any. You try to solve this immediately, but wrongly, by applying more perfume. You end up smelling too strongly, and probably end up not smelling it any more anyway. The sense of smell, our most primitive sense But what is the reason that you almost never smell your own perfume? The sense of smell is the most primitive of the senses that we possess. The most surprising thing is that your olfactory heritage, that accumulates over the years unconsciously, has the capacity to evoke images and sensations when it perceives a certain aroma, even if many years have passed since the first time you perceived it. The problem that comes up with perfumes is that our sense of smell gets tired of smelling the same odour constantly. When you constantly perceive the same aromas, your brain filters the essences and your olfactory memory doesn’t remember habitual aromas. A perfume for every occasion For this reason it is recommended, for both women and men, that you have at least 3 perfumes: one for daily use during the weekdays, one for the weekends, and one that you choose for special occasions. This trick is perfect for keeping your nose from getting accustomed quickly to one particular odour. This way it won’t get bored of them, and by continually detecting various odours, it will always detect new notes, not having time to filter them as “habitual odours” and get tired. It is definitely about tricking your sense of smell. There are tricks for making sure that aromas stay concentrated on your skin for longer times, and especially if they are fresh, to make sure they last longer. For example, when you get out of the shower your skin is wet and the pores are more open. This is the ideal moment to apply perfume, so the skin can more easily absorb the aromas, so they can penetrate better and remain concentrated for longer. It is also recommended that you apply the perfumes to places where your body temperature is a little bit higher, like the insides of the wrists, the insides of the elbows, and the sides of the neck. A trick to identify these little areas: when you touch these zones you will more easily be able to feel your pulse.
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Are you one of those who remains faithful to a specific perfume for years and years, or do you change scent depending on the moment you are? Your perfume can adapt to every moment of your life. Don't get pigeonholed: you evolve, your perfume too. Surely you do not fancy the same things in winter as in summer, nor do you dress the same to go to work as for a wedding. Why would your perfume be different? Today we are going to suggest you a series of wardrobe perfumes for men, suitable for almost any occasion. So you can choose the one that best suits you and the different plans that arise in your routine. DIVAIN-219 A citrus perfume for men like this never fails. It is perfect to face every day, every obstacle and every pending task, whatever the type, as it provides unmatched vitality and a sensation of freshness. Is one of the basic wardrobe perfumes for men that will conquer you whatever your tastes. And it is simple, but with a lot of personality. A youthful scent that revitalizes, perfect for going to the office and for any informal and relaxed plan that follows. An off-road perfume. Sounds good right? DIVAIN-221 Is the perfect scent if you want to make an impact with your presence and not go unnoticed. In any collection of perfumes, you cannot miss one like this, sophisticated and designed for more special occasions. Its touch of leather makes the aroma stand out above the rest and take your breath away. It is classic and intense, capable of transmitting all the attractiveness and sensuality of the wearer. If you decide on this eau de parfum, we warn you that we are not responsible for the side effects it causes in those who accompany you, they will become addicted to your smell! DIVAIN-212 When in 1981 Pierre Boudon created this fragrance for the emblematic French fashion house, he was very clear about what he wanted to convey, who he wanted to inspire. Nothing more and nothing less than the mighty Greek Gods. That is why this eau de parfum combines notes such as aldehydes, coriander, oak moss, carnation or tonka bean; to convey masculinity, strength, triumph. We consider that it has to be on our list of men's wardrobe perfumes, because a fragrance that makes you feel powerful and successful cannot be missing from your day-to-day life. DIVAIN-239 This perfume cannot be missing from your collection as it brings the calm, peace and purity of nature wherever you are. And a breath of fresh air never hurts, right? Surely you miss it in your day to day, when you are in the office, in the street surrounded by people who come and go, or when you are "resting" at home listening to the noise of civilization in the background. If you identify with this situation, this aroma is perfect because it will balance you and make you enter a state of harmony with your surroundings, making you face the day to day (with its consequent problems) with a more pleasant and positive energy. DIVAIN-271 We couldn't not mention this men's wardrobe perfume on our list. Why? Because it has EVERYTHING. It perfectly combines two completely antagonistic characteristics: it is versatile but intense and distinguished. How can it be? You will ask yourself. Very simple, due to the combination of its ingredients. Cardamom, mint, lavender and amber make up an elegant aroma in which citrus touches of bergamot and mandarin also stand out. As soon as you try it, it will become your new safe bet, because it fits in any occasion. It is like a tailored suit, very complicated that does not suit you. If its name already says it, it hypnotizes you from the first moment you apply it! In addition, it has its female version, DIVAIN-130. Find out more about it in our article on the 5 essential wardrobe perfumes for women. What do you think of our selection? It has been very difficult to choose only 5 among the more than 600 perfumes that we have in our Catalogue… Take a look to discover them all!
Are you one of those who remains faithful to a specific perfume for years and years, or do you change scent depending on the moment you are? Your perfume can adapt to every moment of your life. Don't get pigeonholed: you evolve, your perfume too. Surely you do not fancy the same things in winter as in summer, nor do you dress the same to go to work as for a wedding. Why would your perfume be different? Today we are going to suggest you a series of wardrobe perfumes for men, suitable for almost any occasion. So you can choose the one that best suits you and the different plans that arise in your routine. DIVAIN-219 A citrus perfume for men like this never fails. It is perfect to face every day, every obstacle and every pending task, whatever the type, as it provides unmatched vitality and a sensation of freshness. Is one of the basic wardrobe perfumes for men that will conquer you whatever your tastes. And it is simple, but with a lot of personality. A youthful scent that revitalizes, perfect for going to the office and for any informal and relaxed plan that follows. An off-road perfume. Sounds good right? DIVAIN-221 Is the perfect scent if you want to make an impact with your presence and not go unnoticed. In any collection of perfumes, you cannot miss one like this, sophisticated and designed for more special occasions. Its touch of leather makes the aroma stand out above the rest and take your breath away. It is classic and intense, capable of transmitting all the attractiveness and sensuality of the wearer. If you decide on this eau de parfum, we warn you that we are not responsible for the side effects it causes in those who accompany you, they will become addicted to your smell! DIVAIN-212 When in 1981 Pierre Boudon created this fragrance for the emblematic French fashion house, he was very clear about what he wanted to convey, who he wanted to inspire. Nothing more and nothing less than the mighty Greek Gods. That is why this eau de parfum combines notes such as aldehydes, coriander, oak moss, carnation or tonka bean; to convey masculinity, strength, triumph. We consider that it has to be on our list of men's wardrobe perfumes, because a fragrance that makes you feel powerful and successful cannot be missing from your day-to-day life. DIVAIN-239 This perfume cannot be missing from your collection as it brings the calm, peace and purity of nature wherever you are. And a breath of fresh air never hurts, right? Surely you miss it in your day to day, when you are in the office, in the street surrounded by people who come and go, or when you are "resting" at home listening to the noise of civilization in the background. If you identify with this situation, this aroma is perfect because it will balance you and make you enter a state of harmony with your surroundings, making you face the day to day (with its consequent problems) with a more pleasant and positive energy. DIVAIN-271 We couldn't not mention this men's wardrobe perfume on our list. Why? Because it has EVERYTHING. It perfectly combines two completely antagonistic characteristics: it is versatile but intense and distinguished. How can it be? You will ask yourself. Very simple, due to the combination of its ingredients. Cardamom, mint, lavender and amber make up an elegant aroma in which citrus touches of bergamot and mandarin also stand out. As soon as you try it, it will become your new safe bet, because it fits in any occasion. It is like a tailored suit, very complicated that does not suit you. If its name already says it, it hypnotizes you from the first moment you apply it! In addition, it has its female version, DIVAIN-130. Find out more about it in our article on the 5 essential wardrobe perfumes for women. What do you think of our selection? It has been very difficult to choose only 5 among the more than 600 perfumes that we have in our Catalogue… Take a look to discover them all!
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When the aroma of a freshly baked cake reminds you of your childhood birthday parties, the smell of a homemade soup reminds you of your grandmother, or a certain perfume transports you to a certain moment, it is not by chance! It's because of your olfactory memory. The olfactory memory is completely personal, unique and non-transferable and makes you relive moments in just a few seconds. We are going to tell you a little more about this wonder. How olfactory memory works Although in our day to day we do not take it very much into account and we prioritize other senses such as sight or hearing, our life would not be the same without the powerful sense of smell. And it is directly linked to memory, so it has a great connection with emotions and with our state of mind. You are probably wondering how smell and memory are connected. Well, through a brain process as complex as it is interesting. In the nostrils there are smell receptors, known as olfactory epithelia, which are responsible for capturing olfactory stimuli and sending a signal to the olfactory bulb; in turn, in charge of processing these stimuli and connecting them with different parts of the brain, especially the limbic system. The limbic system The limbic system is a part of the brain that processes emotional information and helps consolidate memories since it has structures specifically dedicated to it. Among them we highlight: The amygdala, as it is the organ responsible for associating aroma with emotions. And the hippocampus, which relates aromas to memories. This magnificent combo creates the pertinent connections so that the olfactory memory works, and thus, when we perceive a certain smell, we move to the place or moment in which we smell it for the first time. As you can see, the human being is an extraordinary machine, since although we do not have a sense of smell as developed as that of many animals, we do have the ability to relate these olfactory stimuli to our memory, thus evoking vivid memories. Smell and memory The olfactory memory determines the perception we have about people and places, since the emotional effects that smells transmit to us are what determine our reaction. People begin to incorporate memories into the olfactory memory very very early, so much so that we begin to do so when we are in our mother's womb! This makes babies recognize their mother's scent from the first moment. Over the years, we refine our olfactory memory, and it ends up acquiring so much power that it can be responsible for completely changing our mood. In recent years the great power of smell has been more than demonstrated, which is why techniques such as aromatherapy have emerged that delve into this exciting world. But the olfactory memory is not only used to evoke pleasant memories, but it is tremendously useful to alarm us before a smell that unravels a dangerous situation, such as the smell of burning or the smell of putrefaction. The fact of the matter is that the olfactory memory belongs fully to the realm of the subconscious, so we are sorry to communicate to you that, no matter how hard we try, we cannot eliminate the connection of certain smells to moments or people. A bummer, because we already know that more than one would like not to have to evoke his ex every time he smells her perfume ... Perfumes and olfactory memory Speaking of perfumes, these have a great power of evocation, since they are tremendously striking smells for our smell and end up being the ones that we identify and relate the most. For this reason, when a person is assiduous to apply a certain perfume, he is identified by those around him by that aroma. Thus, even if that perfume is used by a different person, for our olfactory memory, that specific fragrance belongs to him and will lead us to remember it as his own aroma. As you can see, thanks to the olfactory memory, perfumes become our hallmark, what characterizes us, so we should not choose one lightly. How? Don't you have a perfume that identifies you yet? Well don't wait any longer and take a look at the more than 550 fragrances that make up our catalogue! You like more fruity perfumes, the perfumes with notes of cinnamon or the ones that smell like Cherry; sure in divain. we have one that you fall in love with and that you want to make your identity stamp. And if not, you can always return it!
What is olfactory memory?
When the aroma of a freshly baked cake reminds you of your childhood birthday parties, the smell of a homemade soup reminds you of your grandmother, or a certain perfume transports you to a certain moment, it is not by chance! It's because of your olfactory memory. The olfactory memory is completely personal, unique and non-transferable and makes you relive moments in just a few seconds. We are going to tell you a little more about this wonder. How olfactory memory works Although in our day to day we do not take it very much into account and we prioritize other senses such as sight or hearing, our life would not be the same without the powerful sense of smell. And it is directly linked to memory, so it has a great connection with emotions and with our state of mind. You are probably wondering how smell and memory are connected. Well, through a brain process as complex as it is interesting. In the nostrils there are smell receptors, known as olfactory epithelia, which are responsible for capturing olfactory stimuli and sending a signal to the olfactory bulb; in turn, in charge of processing these stimuli and connecting them with different parts of the brain, especially the limbic system. The limbic system The limbic system is a part of the brain that processes emotional information and helps consolidate memories since it has structures specifically dedicated to it. Among them we highlight: The amygdala, as it is the organ responsible for associating aroma with emotions. And the hippocampus, which relates aromas to memories. This magnificent combo creates the pertinent connections so that the olfactory memory works, and thus, when we perceive a certain smell, we move to the place or moment in which we smell it for the first time. As you can see, the human being is an extraordinary machine, since although we do not have a sense of smell as developed as that of many animals, we do have the ability to relate these olfactory stimuli to our memory, thus evoking vivid memories. Smell and memory The olfactory memory determines the perception we have about people and places, since the emotional effects that smells transmit to us are what determine our reaction. People begin to incorporate memories into the olfactory memory very very early, so much so that we begin to do so when we are in our mother's womb! This makes babies recognize their mother's scent from the first moment. Over the years, we refine our olfactory memory, and it ends up acquiring so much power that it can be responsible for completely changing our mood. In recent years the great power of smell has been more than demonstrated, which is why techniques such as aromatherapy have emerged that delve into this exciting world. But the olfactory memory is not only used to evoke pleasant memories, but it is tremendously useful to alarm us before a smell that unravels a dangerous situation, such as the smell of burning or the smell of putrefaction. The fact of the matter is that the olfactory memory belongs fully to the realm of the subconscious, so we are sorry to communicate to you that, no matter how hard we try, we cannot eliminate the connection of certain smells to moments or people. A bummer, because we already know that more than one would like not to have to evoke his ex every time he smells her perfume ... Perfumes and olfactory memory Speaking of perfumes, these have a great power of evocation, since they are tremendously striking smells for our smell and end up being the ones that we identify and relate the most. For this reason, when a person is assiduous to apply a certain perfume, he is identified by those around him by that aroma. Thus, even if that perfume is used by a different person, for our olfactory memory, that specific fragrance belongs to him and will lead us to remember it as his own aroma. As you can see, thanks to the olfactory memory, perfumes become our hallmark, what characterizes us, so we should not choose one lightly. How? Don't you have a perfume that identifies you yet? Well don't wait any longer and take a look at the more than 550 fragrances that make up our catalogue! You like more fruity perfumes, the perfumes with notes of cinnamon or the ones that smell like Cherry; sure in divain. we have one that you fall in love with and that you want to make your identity stamp. And if not, you can always return it!
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Surely many times that happens to you to get up in the morning, open the closet and see that, although it is full of clothes, you can't think of what to wear. This happens because in the end you get tired of always dressing the same or combining clothes in the same way. But don't worry, because at DIVAN we bring you the best ideas for basic women's outfits for when you don't know what to wear. Casual, simple and comfortable, but sophisticated and innovative looks. We started! Tips for creating looks with basic garments (for when you don't know what to wear) Surely your wardrobe is full of basic garments of multiple colors and styles that you can combine to create totally different casual looks for any time of the day. If you are tired of always wearing the same thing, pay attention to these tips! 1. BET ON KEY COLORS Do not miss items in neutral colors at the bottom of the wardrobe, they combine with everything, such as gray, navy, black, beige, or white; that is to say, those colors that when combined with other more striking or more special garments do not detract from them. 2. THE BASICS IN YOUR WARDROBE In your dressing room you can never miss the basics that can complement any look or outfit. These are the garments to get out of any trouble in day or night looks! Jeans: jeans are the basic garment par excellence. You can create a thousand outfits by combining it with endless t-shirts, blouses, shirts ... If you want to achieve a different look with this basic, we recommend that you add a black or plaid blazer to your jeans for a much more elegant and sophisticated style. Shirt and white t-shirt: A must in any women's wardrobe, both garments are timeless and you can use them to create any casual look. Black pants: This garment is ideal for special moments when you want to be elegant, but comfortable. For example, a job interview or an important meeting. Black goes with everything and it won't be difficult to get the most out of it. Wear it with high boots, medium heels or ballet flats and you will succeed. Denim skirt: a basic garment that you can combine with a blouse or shirt of any color. Choose sneakers or sandals for a casual and comfortable basic look or boots or heels for a much more arranged and formal outfit. Black or floral dress:This essential essential for spring and summer will make you feel much more feminine and sensual. Wear it with a pair of converse or white tennis shoes for the afternoons with friends, or opt for heels for an unforgettable night out. Leather jacket:For a basic mid-season look, always have a black leather jacket on hand. Combine it with any shade and type of garment, be it a dress or a pleated skirt for a more romantic touch, or with jeans or military pants for a more wild look. If you think it is not your style, you can opt for a denim jacket that is also ideal for spring and fall. Leggings:This garment adapts perfectly to your body and will allow you to enjoy maximum comfort throughout the day. Thanks to its versatility, it is a fashion essential that should be in any women's wardrobe. If you are looking for something sexier, opt for leather leggings that you can combine with a white blouse, a denim shirt or a top. 3. GIVE A SPECIAL TOUCH TO THE EVERYTHING This rule is perfect for creating your own fashion and turning the basics into something totally different and eye-catching. Sleeves rolled up, the bottoms of the jeans folded, a part of the sweater tucked inside the skirt or pants. They will look different! 4. RAISE THE TONE OF THE COMPLEMENTS Get basic clothes and turn up the volume of accessories. For example, you can add metallic shoes to a turtleneck sweater and black jeans; a bag in strong colors with a black dress; or a wide bracelet with a skirt in neutral tones and a blouse. 5. EXPRESS 'LOOK' CHANGE Try putting a scarf around your neck or wrist, a lipstick in dark tones if you don't usually wear them often or experiment with a new hairstyle that you can do in five minutes. 6. A PERFUME THAT HIGHLIGHTS AND COMPLEMENTS YOUR OUTFIT Although it is not seen with the naked eye, a perfume is the complete essential of any outfit. Not only will it make you feel fresh, but depending on its aroma, it can awaken in you new sensations that will accompany you throughout the day. For us there are 3 basic essentials that you can add to any look: DIVAIN-092: fresh perfume that will make you feel as if you just got out of the shower. Simple and clean, but with a unique aroma that will conquer you. Ideal for daily use. DIVAIN-172: a fresh, elegant and sensual scent for more special moments such as a dinner with friends, a work meeting or a date with your partner to go to the movies. DIVAIN-094: a classic that never fails and one of the most used perfumes by women. With a combination of citrus aromas such as lemon, mandarin or grapefruit, this fragrance is perfect for any basic women's outfit. You'll love it! And you already know, at DIVAIN we have a wide variety of similar perfumes for all tastes. If you are looking for more aromas to combine with your looks, do not miss our catalog ;)
Basic Outfit Ideas for Women That Never Fail
Surely many times that happens to you to get up in the morning, open the closet and see that, although it is full of clothes, you can't think of what to wear. This happens because in the end you get tired of always dressing the same or combining clothes in the same way. But don't worry, because at DIVAN we bring you the best ideas for basic women's outfits for when you don't know what to wear. Casual, simple and comfortable, but sophisticated and innovative looks. We started! Tips for creating looks with basic garments (for when you don't know what to wear) Surely your wardrobe is full of basic garments of multiple colors and styles that you can combine to create totally different casual looks for any time of the day. If you are tired of always wearing the same thing, pay attention to these tips! 1. BET ON KEY COLORS Do not miss items in neutral colors at the bottom of the wardrobe, they combine with everything, such as gray, navy, black, beige, or white; that is to say, those colors that when combined with other more striking or more special garments do not detract from them. 2. THE BASICS IN YOUR WARDROBE In your dressing room you can never miss the basics that can complement any look or outfit. These are the garments to get out of any trouble in day or night looks! Jeans: jeans are the basic garment par excellence. You can create a thousand outfits by combining it with endless t-shirts, blouses, shirts ... If you want to achieve a different look with this basic, we recommend that you add a black or plaid blazer to your jeans for a much more elegant and sophisticated style. Shirt and white t-shirt: A must in any women's wardrobe, both garments are timeless and you can use them to create any casual look. Black pants: This garment is ideal for special moments when you want to be elegant, but comfortable. For example, a job interview or an important meeting. Black goes with everything and it won't be difficult to get the most out of it. Wear it with high boots, medium heels or ballet flats and you will succeed. Denim skirt: a basic garment that you can combine with a blouse or shirt of any color. Choose sneakers or sandals for a casual and comfortable basic look or boots or heels for a much more arranged and formal outfit. Black or floral dress:This essential essential for spring and summer will make you feel much more feminine and sensual. Wear it with a pair of converse or white tennis shoes for the afternoons with friends, or opt for heels for an unforgettable night out. Leather jacket:For a basic mid-season look, always have a black leather jacket on hand. Combine it with any shade and type of garment, be it a dress or a pleated skirt for a more romantic touch, or with jeans or military pants for a more wild look. If you think it is not your style, you can opt for a denim jacket that is also ideal for spring and fall. Leggings:This garment adapts perfectly to your body and will allow you to enjoy maximum comfort throughout the day. Thanks to its versatility, it is a fashion essential that should be in any women's wardrobe. If you are looking for something sexier, opt for leather leggings that you can combine with a white blouse, a denim shirt or a top. 3. GIVE A SPECIAL TOUCH TO THE EVERYTHING This rule is perfect for creating your own fashion and turning the basics into something totally different and eye-catching. Sleeves rolled up, the bottoms of the jeans folded, a part of the sweater tucked inside the skirt or pants. They will look different! 4. RAISE THE TONE OF THE COMPLEMENTS Get basic clothes and turn up the volume of accessories. For example, you can add metallic shoes to a turtleneck sweater and black jeans; a bag in strong colors with a black dress; or a wide bracelet with a skirt in neutral tones and a blouse. 5. EXPRESS 'LOOK' CHANGE Try putting a scarf around your neck or wrist, a lipstick in dark tones if you don't usually wear them often or experiment with a new hairstyle that you can do in five minutes. 6. A PERFUME THAT HIGHLIGHTS AND COMPLEMENTS YOUR OUTFIT Although it is not seen with the naked eye, a perfume is the complete essential of any outfit. Not only will it make you feel fresh, but depending on its aroma, it can awaken in you new sensations that will accompany you throughout the day. For us there are 3 basic essentials that you can add to any look: DIVAIN-092: fresh perfume that will make you feel as if you just got out of the shower. Simple and clean, but with a unique aroma that will conquer you. Ideal for daily use. DIVAIN-172: a fresh, elegant and sensual scent for more special moments such as a dinner with friends, a work meeting or a date with your partner to go to the movies. DIVAIN-094: a classic that never fails and one of the most used perfumes by women. With a combination of citrus aromas such as lemon, mandarin or grapefruit, this fragrance is perfect for any basic women's outfit. You'll love it! And you already know, at DIVAIN we have a wide variety of similar perfumes for all tastes. If you are looking for more aromas to combine with your looks, do not miss our catalog ;)
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Being a child is not at odds with wearing a good fragrance. We all like to smell good, including them, as it is a unique sensation that makes us feel great. It is also highly recommended to introduce perfumes from the earliest childhood, as they will help them to develop and begin to create their olfactory memory (vital for emotional development). And do not worry, because the perfumes for children that we present below are fresh and soft, ideal for their delicate skin. Let's see them! Perfumes for girls DIVAIN-903 This perfume for a girl smells of tenderness, sweetness, delicacy ... come on, as soon as you apply it to your little girl, you will die of love and you will never want to let go of her. It is an extremely soft and fresh aroma, ideal to refresh it and plunge it into a state of tranquility and well-being. The freshness is given by its citrus notes of orange and lime; and galbanum, jasmine and lily of the valley give it a feminine touch that you will love. Perfumes for children DIVAIN-904 This cologne is fresh and sparkling but with presence, perfect to tell your child that you already see him as a little man. Among its notes we find neroli, mandarin, liquorice, caramelized apple and grass, which give it a carefree and childish air; along with musk and white clover; that give it body and make it a more careful aroma. A whole reinvention of children's perfumery that you and he will enjoy. Baby perfumes DIVAIN-900 Don't you think that babies give off one of the best scents in the world? Well, this cologne takes it as a reference, resulting in a soft and delicate scent. It is made for the little ones in the house, but we suggest that if in your workday or in your chores you miss it a lot, you apply it. You will feel that you are hugging him at that very moment. There are also unisex fragrances in the world of children's perfumery. Let's see the two best known: DIVAIN-901 This children's perfume is not only unisex, it is also designed for moms and dads to apply it to as well. Its fresh and citrus aroma is ideal for the whole family. It has notes of orange blossom, jasmine, lily, orange, mint, tangerine, and milk !; that make it an aroma that exudes an enveloping tranquility. We suggest you apply it before taking a walk in the countryside with your family, you will surely have a beautiful day and you will associate this aroma with that special day. DIVAIN-902 This fragrance is inspired by the unique bond that is created between moms and their children. It has powdery notes, bergamot, orange and Brazilian rosewood (among many others); which makes it perfect for both children and their mothers. Its top notes are more vital and joyful, to then give way to those of its heart and substance, which will plunge you into a state of peace and tranquility ideal to end the day. The truth is that we love it, since wearing the same fragrance as your child will make you feel even more connected with him. As you can see, these perfumes for boys and girls are very dynamic and fresh, so they are also ideal for adults to wear, especially to apply them on the hottest days of summer, when leaving the gym or to spend a day in the countryside. If you like aromas that revitalize the soul and fill us with energy, you cannot miss these aquatic perfumes nor these cool summer perfumes.
The best perfumes for the little ones in the house
Being a child is not at odds with wearing a good fragrance. We all like to smell good, including them, as it is a unique sensation that makes us feel great. It is also highly recommended to introduce perfumes from the earliest childhood, as they will help them to develop and begin to create their olfactory memory (vital for emotional development). And do not worry, because the perfumes for children that we present below are fresh and soft, ideal for their delicate skin. Let's see them! Perfumes for girls DIVAIN-903 This perfume for a girl smells of tenderness, sweetness, delicacy ... come on, as soon as you apply it to your little girl, you will die of love and you will never want to let go of her. It is an extremely soft and fresh aroma, ideal to refresh it and plunge it into a state of tranquility and well-being. The freshness is given by its citrus notes of orange and lime; and galbanum, jasmine and lily of the valley give it a feminine touch that you will love. Perfumes for children DIVAIN-904 This cologne is fresh and sparkling but with presence, perfect to tell your child that you already see him as a little man. Among its notes we find neroli, mandarin, liquorice, caramelized apple and grass, which give it a carefree and childish air; along with musk and white clover; that give it body and make it a more careful aroma. A whole reinvention of children's perfumery that you and he will enjoy. Baby perfumes DIVAIN-900 Don't you think that babies give off one of the best scents in the world? Well, this cologne takes it as a reference, resulting in a soft and delicate scent. It is made for the little ones in the house, but we suggest that if in your workday or in your chores you miss it a lot, you apply it. You will feel that you are hugging him at that very moment. There are also unisex fragrances in the world of children's perfumery. Let's see the two best known: DIVAIN-901 This children's perfume is not only unisex, it is also designed for moms and dads to apply it to as well. Its fresh and citrus aroma is ideal for the whole family. It has notes of orange blossom, jasmine, lily, orange, mint, tangerine, and milk !; that make it an aroma that exudes an enveloping tranquility. We suggest you apply it before taking a walk in the countryside with your family, you will surely have a beautiful day and you will associate this aroma with that special day. DIVAIN-902 This fragrance is inspired by the unique bond that is created between moms and their children. It has powdery notes, bergamot, orange and Brazilian rosewood (among many others); which makes it perfect for both children and their mothers. Its top notes are more vital and joyful, to then give way to those of its heart and substance, which will plunge you into a state of peace and tranquility ideal to end the day. The truth is that we love it, since wearing the same fragrance as your child will make you feel even more connected with him. As you can see, these perfumes for boys and girls are very dynamic and fresh, so they are also ideal for adults to wear, especially to apply them on the hottest days of summer, when leaving the gym or to spend a day in the countryside. If you like aromas that revitalize the soul and fill us with energy, you cannot miss these aquatic perfumes nor these cool summer perfumes.
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The scents of nature inspire us, relax us and take us to magical landscapes full of color. That is why in today's post, we bring you a list of the best perfumes inspired by aromas of nature. Fresh, floral fragrances with a special touch that you will want to incorporate into your day to day to transport you to the countryside and relive the unforgettable moments of your vacation. DIVAIN-605 DIVAIN-605 it is inspired by the delicious summer afternoons by the river. A delicate, enveloping and unique aroma in which rose and black currant are mixed. A botanical and citrus touch of bergamot and mandarin is not lacking, which blends with the sweetness and intensity of the Bulgarian rose. DIVAIN-244 DIVAIN-244 pays homage to nature, specifically to the sun-warmed, fruit-laden fig forests of the Greek islands. This fragrance captures with the essence that runs through those forests, an intoxicating, fruity and woody scent of nature. Notes of fig leaves and fig leaves stand out at the top, giving way to a coconut heart and green touches. The aroma ends with woody notes of cedar and fig tree. A true olfactory ode to the Mediterranean aromas that captivate today, now and forever. DIVAIN-228 It is one of the most popular nature-inspired scents in the world of men's perfumes. DIVAIN-228 It is a delicious cocktail of fruits such as bergamot, pineapple and apple mixed with a floral heart of rose and jasmine to finish with a woody base of musk, oak moss and ambergris. Fresh, sweet and perfect for the most seductive men. DIVAIN-649 This perfume has been designed around the Turkish rose, whose scent is enhanced by the fruity essences of pear and bergamot and an irresistible woody background with vanilla. DIVAIN-649 it is elegant, sensual and very feminine. An authentic explosion of oriental ingredients that will captivate all your senses. DIVAIN-542 Elegance and mystery combined in a single bottle. DIVAIN-542, gathers in its interior the most sensual and powerful ingredients of nature. It stands out for a groundbreaking output of fruits and flowers mixed with truffle that merges with an exotic heart starring the lotus flower, orchid, jasmine and ylang-ylang. With a sweet background of vanilla and chocolate, this perfume will become your favorite addiction. DIVAIN-611 Feel the magic of nature with DIVAIN-611. An exclusive luxury fragrance that offers an intense jasmine and saffron top mixed with a heart of Amberwood and Ambergris. With a woody breeze in the background starring fir resin and cedar. Without a doubt, with this perfume you will become the center of all eyes. DIVAIN-165 With this aroma you will live an exciting trip to the wildest nature. Created for classic and very feminine women,DIVAIN-165 it is pure seduction and elegance that presents a perfect balance between its floral notes and its more intense ingredients such as amber or musk. An authentic experience that you will want to repeat. DIVAIN-215 And to finish this selection of perfumes with scents of nature, we cannot forget one of our favorites: DIVAIN-215. A masculine fragrance designed for the man who enjoys every little detail of nature. Inspired by the bravery of the sea, this fresh perfume stands out for an intense combination of citrus and aquatic ingredients such as mandarin orange or seaweed. A "must" for elegant, sensual and self-confident men. Now that you know the most desired fragrances of nature, choose your favorite and don't wait any longer to travel to idyllic places full of freshness and color. And don't forget, at DIVAIN we have a wide perfume. Find your favorite!
8 perfumes inspired by scents of nature that will make you fall in love
The scents of nature inspire us, relax us and take us to magical landscapes full of color. That is why in today's post, we bring you a list of the best perfumes inspired by aromas of nature. Fresh, floral fragrances with a special touch that you will want to incorporate into your day to day to transport you to the countryside and relive the unforgettable moments of your vacation. DIVAIN-605 DIVAIN-605 it is inspired by the delicious summer afternoons by the river. A delicate, enveloping and unique aroma in which rose and black currant are mixed. A botanical and citrus touch of bergamot and mandarin is not lacking, which blends with the sweetness and intensity of the Bulgarian rose. DIVAIN-244 DIVAIN-244 pays homage to nature, specifically to the sun-warmed, fruit-laden fig forests of the Greek islands. This fragrance captures with the essence that runs through those forests, an intoxicating, fruity and woody scent of nature. Notes of fig leaves and fig leaves stand out at the top, giving way to a coconut heart and green touches. The aroma ends with woody notes of cedar and fig tree. A true olfactory ode to the Mediterranean aromas that captivate today, now and forever. DIVAIN-228 It is one of the most popular nature-inspired scents in the world of men's perfumes. DIVAIN-228 It is a delicious cocktail of fruits such as bergamot, pineapple and apple mixed with a floral heart of rose and jasmine to finish with a woody base of musk, oak moss and ambergris. Fresh, sweet and perfect for the most seductive men. DIVAIN-649 This perfume has been designed around the Turkish rose, whose scent is enhanced by the fruity essences of pear and bergamot and an irresistible woody background with vanilla. DIVAIN-649 it is elegant, sensual and very feminine. An authentic explosion of oriental ingredients that will captivate all your senses. DIVAIN-542 Elegance and mystery combined in a single bottle. DIVAIN-542, gathers in its interior the most sensual and powerful ingredients of nature. It stands out for a groundbreaking output of fruits and flowers mixed with truffle that merges with an exotic heart starring the lotus flower, orchid, jasmine and ylang-ylang. With a sweet background of vanilla and chocolate, this perfume will become your favorite addiction. DIVAIN-611 Feel the magic of nature with DIVAIN-611. An exclusive luxury fragrance that offers an intense jasmine and saffron top mixed with a heart of Amberwood and Ambergris. With a woody breeze in the background starring fir resin and cedar. Without a doubt, with this perfume you will become the center of all eyes. DIVAIN-165 With this aroma you will live an exciting trip to the wildest nature. Created for classic and very feminine women,DIVAIN-165 it is pure seduction and elegance that presents a perfect balance between its floral notes and its more intense ingredients such as amber or musk. An authentic experience that you will want to repeat. DIVAIN-215 And to finish this selection of perfumes with scents of nature, we cannot forget one of our favorites: DIVAIN-215. A masculine fragrance designed for the man who enjoys every little detail of nature. Inspired by the bravery of the sea, this fresh perfume stands out for an intense combination of citrus and aquatic ingredients such as mandarin orange or seaweed. A "must" for elegant, sensual and self-confident men. Now that you know the most desired fragrances of nature, choose your favorite and don't wait any longer to travel to idyllic places full of freshness and color. And don't forget, at DIVAIN we have a wide perfume. Find your favorite!
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The excitement leading up to the start of a new season in fashion is real. Yes? And it is that, every season, the great fashion brands innovate by bringing new colors, trends and garments. For fashionistas, this is a true fantasy, as human beings naturally love the new.
The colors that cannot be missing in your wardrobe this spring / summer 2021
The excitement leading up to the start of a new season in fashion is real. Yes? And it is that, every season, the great fashion brands innovate by bringing new colors, trends and garments. For fashionistas, this is a true fantasy, as human beings naturally love the new.
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The 10 fruity perfumes that you have to try (at least) once in your life
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