This is the Aroma of the Simple and Beautiful Life of A Calm Summer. A fragrance which awakens sensality with the pleasing and close freshness of skin on skin. It’s like a tickle that runs up your neck.
We are updating the perfume bottle design, and you might still receive the previous model. But the scent and quality remain unchanged!
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1569941780.00 | UnisexThis is the Aroma of the Simple and Beautiful Life of A Calm Summer. A fragrance which awakens sensality with the pleasing and close freshness of skin on skin. It’s like a tickle that runs up your neck.
AllALL PERFUMESBLACK MONTHCitrus perfumesCYBER MONDAYFLASH SALESFLASH SUMMERFULL SIZE COLLECTIONHoroscope: AirNichePerfume saleUnisex perfumesXMAS SALE100mlcategoria:nichocategoria:unisexestacion:veranofamilia:citricaintensidad:moderadauso:diaDIVAIN2020-02-13T07:01:20Z