DIVAIN | Equivalence Perfumes


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Perfume inspired by Iberian Leather from Memo Paris


DIVAIN-791 | Unisex

Regular price 29,95 € 16,47 €
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Reminds of iberian Leather by Memo Paris

embark on a sensory journey through the iberian peninsula with this captivating elixir. The UNXPECTED Fusion of Orange Peel with the Deep, Robust Scent of Leather Evokes The Essence of Spanish Landscapes. A Touch of Labdanum Adds a Note of Mystery to the Blend. This fragrance is a tribute to passion and vitality, a bold scent that defies the bondaries of convention. Undoubtedly, the perfect choice for the audacious adventure within you.

We are updating the perfume bottle design, and you might still receive the previous model. But the scent and quality remain unchanged!