Discover the best perfumes of the 80’s
Jan 23, 2025Philippa Stephenson
Best Selling Perfumes of the 80’s and 90’s

One of the most striking trends in fashion, technology and decoration is the retro or vintage styles. It is no surprise that the love for those retro years, such as the 1960s, are back again. Nostalgia is a strong trigger for emotions and memories, that is why today we will talk about the most popular vintage perfumes

Jan 23, 2025Philippa Stephenson

Best Selling Perfumes of the 80’s and 90’s

One of the most striking trends in fashion, technology and decoration is the retro or vintage styles. It is no surprise that the love for those retro years, such as the 1960s, are back again. Nostalgia is a strong trigger for emotions and memories, that is why today we will talk about the most popular vintage perfumes

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Oplev de bedste cologner fra 80'erne
Jan 23, 2025Lucía Poyo Vallina
De bedst sælgende cologne fra 80'erne og 90'erne

En af de mest slående trends i mode-, teknologi- eller dekorationsbranchen er retro- eller vintage-stilen, for det er ingen overraskelse, at de år, der allerede er gået, såsom 60'erne, er tilbage igen. Nostalgi er en vigtig trigger for følelser og minder, derfor vil vi i dag tale med dig om de mest populære cologner fra 80'erne og 90'erne. Du vil genopleve dine bedste år! De bedste cologner fra 80'erne og 90'erne til kvinder Et af de mest populære markeder for en parfume er uden tvivl det med feminine dufte, da kvinder anser parfumer for at være et vigtigt element i enhver type outfit. Derfor vil vi starte med at genoplive den feminine duft fra 80'erne og 90'erne. DIVAIN-084 Er et af de største modemærker i verden, og derfor er vi ikke overraskede over at finde deres berømte parfume by DIVAIN-084 på denne liste. Feminin og romantisk, ligesom kærlighedens by, duften minder os om ​​denne eau de toilette, blomster som roser og violer. DIVAIN-082  Penélope Cruz, Kate Winslet eller Juliette Binoche var ansigterne på denne berømte duft fra det franske luksusparfume- og kosmetikhus. DIVAIN-082 opnåede en perfekt balance mellem en sober og elegant duft med sensuelle noter, der fremkaldte den mest feminine og vovede side af kvinder. De mest berømte colognes fra 80'erne og 90'erne til mænd Brugt til særlige specielle momenter eller som aftershave, markerede mænds dufte også 80'erne og 90'erne, og blev et ikon for mandighed og skønhed såvel som sensualitet. Vi er sikre på, at følgende mærker vil genoplive mange minder. DIVAIN-020 Et af de mærker, som enhver mand kender, og som han bestemt bør bruge. Kendt som mærkets mesterværk markerede DIVAIN-020 æraen af ​​90'erne, idet han blev betragtet som et symbol på den attraktive, muskuløse og mandige mand.

Jan 23, 2025Lucía Poyo Vallina

De bedst sælgende cologne fra 80'erne og 90'erne

En af de mest slående trends i mode-, teknologi- eller dekorationsbranchen er retro- eller vintage-stilen, for det er ingen overraskelse, at de år, der allerede er gået, såsom 60'erne, er tilbage igen. Nostalgi er en vigtig trigger for følelser og minder, derfor vil vi i dag tale med dig om de mest populære cologner fra 80'erne og 90'erne. Du vil genopleve dine bedste år! De bedste cologner fra 80'erne og 90'erne til kvinder Et af de mest populære markeder for en parfume er uden tvivl det med feminine dufte, da kvinder anser parfumer for at være et vigtigt element i enhver type outfit. Derfor vil vi starte med at genoplive den feminine duft fra 80'erne og 90'erne. DIVAIN-084 Er et af de største modemærker i verden, og derfor er vi ikke overraskede over at finde deres berømte parfume by DIVAIN-084 på denne liste. Feminin og romantisk, ligesom kærlighedens by, duften minder os om ​​denne eau de toilette, blomster som roser og violer. DIVAIN-082  Penélope Cruz, Kate Winslet eller Juliette Binoche var ansigterne på denne berømte duft fra det franske luksusparfume- og kosmetikhus. DIVAIN-082 opnåede en perfekt balance mellem en sober og elegant duft med sensuelle noter, der fremkaldte den mest feminine og vovede side af kvinder. De mest berømte colognes fra 80'erne og 90'erne til mænd Brugt til særlige specielle momenter eller som aftershave, markerede mænds dufte også 80'erne og 90'erne, og blev et ikon for mandighed og skønhed såvel som sensualitet. Vi er sikre på, at følgende mærker vil genoplive mange minder. DIVAIN-020 Et af de mærker, som enhver mand kender, og som han bestemt bør bruge. Kendt som mærkets mesterværk markerede DIVAIN-020 æraen af ​​90'erne, idet han blev betragtet som et symbol på den attraktive, muskuløse og mandige mand.

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Tutustu 80-luvun parhaisiin hajuvesiin
Jan 23, 2025Lucía Poyo Vallina
80 ja 90 luvun myydyimmät hajuvedet

Yksi muoti-, teknologian-, tai sisustusalan silmiinpistävimmistä trendeistä on retro- tai vintage-tyyli, sillä ei ole mikään yllätys, että kauan sitten loppuneet muodit, kuten 60-luvun trendit, ovat palanneet. Nostalgia on tärkeä tunteiden ja muistojen laukaisija, siksi tänään kerromme sinulle 80- ja 90-luvun suosituimmista hajuvesistä. Elät parhaat vuotesi uudelleen! Parhaat 80-luvun ja 90-luvun naisten hajuvedet Yksi suosituimmista hajuvesimarkkinoista on epäilemättä naisten hajuvesien markkinat, sillä naiset pitävät hajuvesiä olennaisena osana mitä tahansa asua. Siksi aloitamme tämän aikamatkan elvyttämällä 80- ja 90-luvun naisten tuoksut. DIVAIN-084 On yksi maailman tärkeimmistä muotibrändeistä, joten emme ole yllättyneitä siitä, että sen kuuluisa parfyymi DIVAIN-084 on tällä listalla. Naisellinen ja romanttinen, kuten rakkauden kaupunki, tämän eau de toiletten tuoksu muistuttaa kukkia, kuten ruusu ja orvokki. DIVAIN-082 Penélope Cruz, Kate Winslet tai Juliette Binoche olivat tämän ranskalaisen luksusparfyymi- ja kosmetiikkatalon kuuluisan tuoksun kasvot. DIVAIN-082 saavutti täydellisen tasapainon raikkaiden, tyylikkäiden ja aistillisten tuoksunuottien välille, jotka herättävät naisen naisellisimman ja rohkeimman puolen. H2 Parhaat 80 ja 90 luvun miesten hajuvedet Miesten tuoksuja käytettiin erityistilaisuuksissa tai parranajon jälkeen, ja ne olivat 80- ja 90-lukujen miehisyyden, komeuden ja aistillisuuden leima. Olemme varmoja, että seuraavat hajuvedet herättävät monta muistoa.

Jan 23, 2025Lucía Poyo Vallina

80 ja 90 luvun myydyimmät hajuvedet

Yksi muoti-, teknologian-, tai sisustusalan silmiinpistävimmistä trendeistä on retro- tai vintage-tyyli, sillä ei ole mikään yllätys, että kauan sitten loppuneet muodit, kuten 60-luvun trendit, ovat palanneet. Nostalgia on tärkeä tunteiden ja muistojen laukaisija, siksi tänään kerromme sinulle 80- ja 90-luvun suosituimmista hajuvesistä. Elät parhaat vuotesi uudelleen! Parhaat 80-luvun ja 90-luvun naisten hajuvedet Yksi suosituimmista hajuvesimarkkinoista on epäilemättä naisten hajuvesien markkinat, sillä naiset pitävät hajuvesiä olennaisena osana mitä tahansa asua. Siksi aloitamme tämän aikamatkan elvyttämällä 80- ja 90-luvun naisten tuoksut. DIVAIN-084 On yksi maailman tärkeimmistä muotibrändeistä, joten emme ole yllättyneitä siitä, että sen kuuluisa parfyymi DIVAIN-084 on tällä listalla. Naisellinen ja romanttinen, kuten rakkauden kaupunki, tämän eau de toiletten tuoksu muistuttaa kukkia, kuten ruusu ja orvokki. DIVAIN-082 Penélope Cruz, Kate Winslet tai Juliette Binoche olivat tämän ranskalaisen luksusparfyymi- ja kosmetiikkatalon kuuluisan tuoksun kasvot. DIVAIN-082 saavutti täydellisen tasapainon raikkaiden, tyylikkäiden ja aistillisten tuoksunuottien välille, jotka herättävät naisen naisellisimman ja rohkeimman puolen. H2 Parhaat 80 ja 90 luvun miesten hajuvedet Miesten tuoksuja käytettiin erityistilaisuuksissa tai parranajon jälkeen, ja ne olivat 80- ja 90-lukujen miehisyyden, komeuden ja aistillisuuden leima. Olemme varmoja, että seuraavat hajuvedet herättävät monta muistoa.

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Upptäck de bästa 80-talsparfymerna
Jan 23, 2025Lucía Poyo Vallina
80- och 90-talens mest sålda herrparfymer

En av de hetaste trenderna inom mode-, teknik- och inredningsbranschen är retromodet, vintage. Just nu kommer 60-talsmodet tillbaka igen. När det gäller både känslor och minnen spelar nostalgin en viktig roll. Det är därför vi nu kommer att ta upp 80 och 90-talens populäraste herrparfymer. Det är hög tid att återuppleva din bästa år! 80- och 90-talens bästa damparfymer Av alla parfymer är det parfymer för kvinnor som säljer allra mest. För många kvinnor är parfymerna precis lika viktiga som alla klädesplagg som finns i garderoben. Vi kommer nu att börja med att ge nytt liv på feminina dofter från 80- och 90-talen. DIVAIN-084 är ett av de största modemärkena i världen, så det är inte direkt någon överraskning att Paris är med i den här listan. Feminin och romantisk precis som Kärlekens huvudstad själv. En Eau de Toilette som framkallar en ljuvlig blomdoft av rosor och violer. DIVAIN-082 Penélope Cruz, Kate Winslet och Juliette Binoche har alla varit modeller för den här välkända parfymen från den franska företaget som är ett branschledande inom lyx, inte bara inom parfymbranschen men även kosmetikabranschen. Med parfymen DIVAIN-082 åstadkomma en perfekt harmoni mellan en sober och elegant doft med sensuella doftnoter som fick fram det mest vågade och kvinnliga. 80- och 90-talens mest kända herrparfymer 80- och 90-talens typiska herrparfymer var After shave och parfymer för speciella tillfällen. Vissa parfymer kan beskrivas som riktigt legendariska och synonyma med manliga, snygga och sensuella karlar. Vi är säkra på att parfymerna som följer kommer att framkalla många minnen.

Jan 23, 2025Lucía Poyo Vallina

80- och 90-talens mest sålda herrparfymer

En av de hetaste trenderna inom mode-, teknik- och inredningsbranschen är retromodet, vintage. Just nu kommer 60-talsmodet tillbaka igen. När det gäller både känslor och minnen spelar nostalgin en viktig roll. Det är därför vi nu kommer att ta upp 80 och 90-talens populäraste herrparfymer. Det är hög tid att återuppleva din bästa år! 80- och 90-talens bästa damparfymer Av alla parfymer är det parfymer för kvinnor som säljer allra mest. För många kvinnor är parfymerna precis lika viktiga som alla klädesplagg som finns i garderoben. Vi kommer nu att börja med att ge nytt liv på feminina dofter från 80- och 90-talen. DIVAIN-084 är ett av de största modemärkena i världen, så det är inte direkt någon överraskning att Paris är med i den här listan. Feminin och romantisk precis som Kärlekens huvudstad själv. En Eau de Toilette som framkallar en ljuvlig blomdoft av rosor och violer. DIVAIN-082 Penélope Cruz, Kate Winslet och Juliette Binoche har alla varit modeller för den här välkända parfymen från den franska företaget som är ett branschledande inom lyx, inte bara inom parfymbranschen men även kosmetikabranschen. Med parfymen DIVAIN-082 åstadkomma en perfekt harmoni mellan en sober och elegant doft med sensuella doftnoter som fick fram det mest vågade och kvinnliga. 80- och 90-talens mest kända herrparfymer 80- och 90-talens typiska herrparfymer var After shave och parfymer för speciella tillfällen. Vissa parfymer kan beskrivas som riktigt legendariska och synonyma med manliga, snygga och sensuella karlar. Vi är säkra på att parfymerna som följer kommer att framkalla många minnen.

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List of the oldest perfumes that are still sold
Jan 21, 2025Philippa Stephenson
8 Vintage perfumes and brands: still at the top of their game.

There are classics that never go out of style and a perfect example of this is Cologne. If you are a fan of classic and vintage fragrances, then you should know these old perfumes from top-notch brands that are still sold today. Despite the fact that many years have passed since their launch, the scent of these original and vintage designer fragrances are still on trend.

Jan 21, 2025Philippa Stephenson

8 Vintage perfumes and brands: still at the top of their game.

There are classics that never go out of style and a perfect example of this is Cologne. If you are a fan of classic and vintage fragrances, then you should know these old perfumes from top-notch brands that are still sold today. Despite the fact that many years have passed since their launch, the scent of these original and vintage designer fragrances are still on trend.

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Find out if you can take perfume on board a plane while travelling
Jan 21, 2025Lucía Poyo Vallina
Perfumes on the plane: how many to take, how much to take and how to take them with you

If you have recently travelled or are planning a getaway in the next few weeks, these questions may have crossed your mind more than once: can I take my perfume with me, am I allowed to take perfume in my hand luggage or do I have to take it in my checked baggage, how do I carry my perfumes in my luggage, how do I carry my perfumes in my luggage? The truth is that there is a whole set of regulations surrounding this issue that you should take into account before preparing your luggage. But if you're still not sure, don't worry, in this post we'll answer all your questions so that your next getaway won't be without your favourite fragrance. ;) Is it possible to take perfumes on the plane? This is undoubtedly the big question for many fragrance lovers: can I take my favourite perfume with me on a plane? What happens if I don't check in my luggage? The answer is yes, you are allowed to take perfumes into the aircraft cabin and carry them with you in your hand luggage. But be careful; there are a whole set of limitations from a regulatory point of view that you will have to comply with if you don't want your perfumes to stay on the ground. How many ml of perfume can I take on a plane? The maximum amount of liquid that can be carried on board an aircraft in hand luggage must not exceed 100 ml per item. In other words, you can carry more than one item in different containers, but each of these containers must have a maximum capacity of 100 ml separately. Another point to bear in mind is that some airports, such as AENA, only allow a maximum of 1 litre of liquids in total in hand luggage. In other words, the individual containers must be a maximum of 100 ml and in total, they must not exceed 1 litre all together. If you want to exceed this amount, please note that there are no restrictions on liquids in checked baggage. Another option is to buy the products you need and which exceed the maximum quantity allowed after passing through the security checkpoint, inside the airport itself. Can I wear more than one perfume? If you are one of those scent connoisseurs who love to have one perfume for the day and another for the night, you should know that yes, you are allowed to carry more than one perfume in your hand luggage. Please note, however, that you must still comply with current regulations regarding liquids: containers of no more than 100 ml and a maximum of 1 litre of liquids in total. Fortunately, most perfume formats on the market are between 50 ml and 100 ml, so you will probably have no problem carrying your favourite perfume with you. Another option, which not only saves space but can also be a much more practical alternative, is to buy perfumes in 'travel' format or reusable containers that you can refill with your favourite fragrance. How should I wear perfumes? To take your perfumes into the aircraft cabin, you must place them in transparent zip bags of a standard size of 20x20cm along with the rest of the liquids you carry in your luggage: sprays, toothpaste, make-up, creams, etc. When it is time to put your hand luggage through the X-ray machine, you should remove the transparent bag and place it in plain view on a separate tray to facilitate its inspection. Don't worry if you don't have these bags at home: almost all airports offer clear bags in the standard sizes at the security checkpoint. Where to buy perfumes to take on a trip? Without a doubt, travel-friendly perfumes are the best option to take your fragrance with you when you have to catch a flight. They are specially designed to take up less space, weigh less (making it easier for you to comply with luggage weight limitations) and are more practical to carry from one place to another. At DIVAIN we offer several options so that you can take your perfumes with you anywhere in the world: Rechargeable vaporiser It is the ecological and practical option to take your perfume with you not only when travelling, but also for everyday use. This small 5ml vaporiser can be carried comfortably in any handbag or backpack. Once the inside is used up, it can be refilled as many times as necessary with different perfumes and fragrances. However, to make sure you don't mix scents from different perfumes, make sure you clean it well between uses with alcohol to break down the molecular structure of the previous fragrance. Discovery set: 15ml perfumes On our website we also have a wide variety of Discovery Sets composed of small 15 ml perfumes so that you have a variety of fragrances during your travels and you can carry them easily. Ideal for long trips of more than a week. Sample Pack: 3ml perfumes If you like to try a new perfume every day, at DIVAIN you will also find perfume sample packs at very competitive prices. Without a doubt, the perfect, most convenient and varied option for travelling with your favourite fragrances! Advantages of taking your perfume on a trip Why take your perfume on a trip? You'll feel more comfortable with your trusted fragrance on you. Your perfume is part of your identity, even if you are far away from home! Travel formats take up less space, and allow you to use the extra room for other important accessories. It is essential to take into account the weight of your luggage and adapt to the conditions of the airline. A travel perfume format helps you to avoid exceeding the weight of your suitcase.

Jan 21, 2025Lucía Poyo Vallina

Perfumes on the plane: how many to take, how much to take and how to take them with you

If you have recently travelled or are planning a getaway in the next few weeks, these questions may have crossed your mind more than once: can I take my perfume with me, am I allowed to take perfume in my hand luggage or do I have to take it in my checked baggage, how do I carry my perfumes in my luggage, how do I carry my perfumes in my luggage? The truth is that there is a whole set of regulations surrounding this issue that you should take into account before preparing your luggage. But if you're still not sure, don't worry, in this post we'll answer all your questions so that your next getaway won't be without your favourite fragrance. ;) Is it possible to take perfumes on the plane? This is undoubtedly the big question for many fragrance lovers: can I take my favourite perfume with me on a plane? What happens if I don't check in my luggage? The answer is yes, you are allowed to take perfumes into the aircraft cabin and carry them with you in your hand luggage. But be careful; there are a whole set of limitations from a regulatory point of view that you will have to comply with if you don't want your perfumes to stay on the ground. How many ml of perfume can I take on a plane? The maximum amount of liquid that can be carried on board an aircraft in hand luggage must not exceed 100 ml per item. In other words, you can carry more than one item in different containers, but each of these containers must have a maximum capacity of 100 ml separately. Another point to bear in mind is that some airports, such as AENA, only allow a maximum of 1 litre of liquids in total in hand luggage. In other words, the individual containers must be a maximum of 100 ml and in total, they must not exceed 1 litre all together. If you want to exceed this amount, please note that there are no restrictions on liquids in checked baggage. Another option is to buy the products you need and which exceed the maximum quantity allowed after passing through the security checkpoint, inside the airport itself. Can I wear more than one perfume? If you are one of those scent connoisseurs who love to have one perfume for the day and another for the night, you should know that yes, you are allowed to carry more than one perfume in your hand luggage. Please note, however, that you must still comply with current regulations regarding liquids: containers of no more than 100 ml and a maximum of 1 litre of liquids in total. Fortunately, most perfume formats on the market are between 50 ml and 100 ml, so you will probably have no problem carrying your favourite perfume with you. Another option, which not only saves space but can also be a much more practical alternative, is to buy perfumes in 'travel' format or reusable containers that you can refill with your favourite fragrance. How should I wear perfumes? To take your perfumes into the aircraft cabin, you must place them in transparent zip bags of a standard size of 20x20cm along with the rest of the liquids you carry in your luggage: sprays, toothpaste, make-up, creams, etc. When it is time to put your hand luggage through the X-ray machine, you should remove the transparent bag and place it in plain view on a separate tray to facilitate its inspection. Don't worry if you don't have these bags at home: almost all airports offer clear bags in the standard sizes at the security checkpoint. Where to buy perfumes to take on a trip? Without a doubt, travel-friendly perfumes are the best option to take your fragrance with you when you have to catch a flight. They are specially designed to take up less space, weigh less (making it easier for you to comply with luggage weight limitations) and are more practical to carry from one place to another. At DIVAIN we offer several options so that you can take your perfumes with you anywhere in the world: Rechargeable vaporiser It is the ecological and practical option to take your perfume with you not only when travelling, but also for everyday use. This small 5ml vaporiser can be carried comfortably in any handbag or backpack. Once the inside is used up, it can be refilled as many times as necessary with different perfumes and fragrances. However, to make sure you don't mix scents from different perfumes, make sure you clean it well between uses with alcohol to break down the molecular structure of the previous fragrance. Discovery set: 15ml perfumes On our website we also have a wide variety of Discovery Sets composed of small 15 ml perfumes so that you have a variety of fragrances during your travels and you can carry them easily. Ideal for long trips of more than a week. Sample Pack: 3ml perfumes If you like to try a new perfume every day, at DIVAIN you will also find perfume sample packs at very competitive prices. Without a doubt, the perfect, most convenient and varied option for travelling with your favourite fragrances! Advantages of taking your perfume on a trip Why take your perfume on a trip? You'll feel more comfortable with your trusted fragrance on you. Your perfume is part of your identity, even if you are far away from home! Travel formats take up less space, and allow you to use the extra room for other important accessories. It is essential to take into account the weight of your luggage and adapt to the conditions of the airline. A travel perfume format helps you to avoid exceeding the weight of your suitcase.

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Get the best perfumes to smell clean and to feel fresh throughout the day
Jan 21, 2025Philippa Stephenson
6 Perfumes that smell clean or like soap to keep you feeling fresh

These days it is easy to find fresh, good quality fragrances with striking aphrodisiac essence notes. But when you are looking for something beyond seductive power and you need a perfume to smell clean and that you can use at any time of day, the choice becomes more difficult.

Jan 21, 2025Philippa Stephenson

6 Perfumes that smell clean or like soap to keep you feeling fresh

These days it is easy to find fresh, good quality fragrances with striking aphrodisiac essence notes. But when you are looking for something beyond seductive power and you need a perfume to smell clean and that you can use at any time of day, the choice becomes more difficult.

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Jan 21, 2025Milagros Oria Prieto
The fascinating journey of makeup throughout history

Makeup has been a loyal companion to humanity, evolving over time and adapting to the cultural, religious, and social currents of each era. From ancient rituals to the latest digital trends, the history of makeup reflects the evolution of beauty and identity across the centuries. We invite you to embark on a journey through the different stages of makeup history, exploring how it has evolved and impacted people's lives over time. We highlight a series of influential women from each era: The Egyptian pharaoh Cleopatra. The Iraqi priestess Enheduanna. The Roman empress Livia Drusilla. The French philosopher Christine de Pizan. The Italian businesswoman Isabella de' Medici. The German painter Anna Rosina de Gasc. The British scientists Mary Anning and Mary Buckland. The French artist Josephine Baker. The Spanish revolutionary Clara Campoamor. The American journalist Oprah Winfrey. The American model Kim Kardashian. Makeup in ancient civilizations Ancient Egypt: rituals and symbolism of makeup along the Nile Ancient Egypt is one of the earliest places where makeup acquired deep significance. It was not only used for beautification but also as a spiritual tool and protection. This ritual was not merely an aesthetic practice but was also laden with religious and social meaning. Both men and women used cosmetics; their skin was smeared with perfumed oils, and their eyes were lined with kohl, a mixture of minerals like galena. For the Egyptians, kohl had spiritual connotations and was believed to provide divine protection against the "evil eye." They also used natural pigments to color their lips and cheeks, with tones obtained from minerals like iron oxide. Mesopotamia and Persia: early innovations and their impact Makeup was a widespread practice among both men and women, with a focus on beauty and protection. In Mesopotamia, fine mineral powders were used to adorn the face, and kohl was applied to the eyes to enhance the gaze and as an amulet. Women also used perfumed oils and ointments to care for their skin and hair, reflecting a strong interest in hygiene and personal appearance. In Persia, makeup played a similar role, with an emphasis on elegance and social status. Persians used facial powders to smooth the skin and natural dyes to highlight lips and cheeks. Both empires shared a belief in the power of makeup to attract beauty and repel negative influences. Greece and Rome: aesthetics and health in ancient beauty Makeup was a symbol of status and refinement. Roman women, in particular, were famous for their elaborate beauty rituals, including facial masks made from honey and natural oils. However, makeup also had its detractors, and in certain periods of Roman history, its excessive use was frowned upon by moralists. Nevertheless, the makeup techniques of these civilizations laid the groundwork for what was to come in later centuries. Transformations in the middle ages and the Renaissance The darkness of the middle ages: rejection and resurgence of makeup During the Middle Ages, makeup fell out of favor in much of Europe, associated with vanity and sin. The Catholic Church disapproved of its use, linking it to lust and deception. Despite these restrictions, noblewomen continued to use powders to lighten their skin, a sign of status and purity at that time. They used flour powders and other minerals to whiten their faces, despite the health risks. Blush and lipstick were used sparingly, made from plants like saffron and alkanet root. Eye makeup was less common due to its association with vanity. However, in some regions, women darkened their eyebrows and eyelashes with charcoal or soot. Renaissance: the rebirth of beauty and cosmetic excess In the Renaissance, makeup experienced a resurgence, reflecting the growing interest in beauty, art, and fashion. Pale skin remained an ideal associated with purity and high social status. To achieve this, women used white lead powders, despite their toxicity. A subtle blush was applied to the cheeks, made from natural pigments like carmine, to give a healthy appearance. Lips were highlighted with soft shades of red or pink, while eyebrow care was essential; many women plucked their eyebrows completely or thinned them drastically, then drew them to achieve an ideal shape. The use of perfumes and aromatic oils was also popular, not only to beautify but to mask odors. Makeup in this era combined art with sophistication, seeking a balance between natural beauty and elegance. The 18th and 19th centuries: from aristocracy to the industrial revolution Rococo and excessive beauty: influence of the french nobility In the 18th century, under the influence of the French court, makeup became a true obsession. Women (and some men) wore heavy layers of white powder and exaggerated rouge. Makeup was a public statement, especially with the use of strategically placed beauty marks on the face to highlight flirtation and conceal imperfections. Eyebrows were thinned and darkened to give more expression to the gaze. This elaborate makeup, along with exuberant hairstyles, reflected the opulence and playful spirit of the time. The Victorian era: morality, modesty, and the struggle against makeup The Victorian era brought a drastic change. Queen Victoria openly disapproved of makeup, seeing it as a vulgar tool of the lower classes. Despite this, social pressure to maintain a neat and healthy appearance meant that makeup continued to be used, albeit more subtly and privately. Blush was used very sparingly, utilizing homemade remedies or discreet products made from beets or rose petals, and only to give a touch of healthy color. The emphasis was on the appearance of purity and virtue, so makeup was minimalist. However, cosmetic care and beauty products were common, but always applied in a way that seemed natural and effortless. The 20th century: the age of makeup innovation 1920-1940: Flappers and Hollywood Glamour The 20th century saw the birth of modern makeup as we know it today. The makeup of flappers in the 1920s broke with traditional norms, reflecting a new era of freedom and boldness. These young, modern women adopted a daring style with intensely red lips, smoky eyes, and thin, arched eyebrows. The use of dark lipstick and black eyeliner became iconic, creating a dramatic and seductive look that defied traditional norms. This style was greatly influenced by Hollywood cinema, which began to popularize cosmetics on an unprecedented scale. The glamour of Hollywood in the 1930s and 1940s took makeup to new heights, popularizing the image of movie stars as symbols of sophistication and elegance. Perfect skin, well-defined red lips, and long, curled lashes became the beauty standard. This style, inspired by screen divas, greatly influenced makeup trends, making glamour an aspirational ideal for many women. 1950-1970: the explosion of color and women's liberation In the 1960s and 1970s, makeup experienced an explosion of color, reflecting the spirit of change and women's liberation. These decades saw women breaking away from traditional molds, adopting bold and creative styles that expressed their individuality and freedom. Eyes became the main focus, with vibrant eyeshadows in shades like blue, green, and purple, combined with thick eyeliner and false lashes that accentuated the gaze. Lips also filled with color, from nude tones to the most intense reds and pinks. The pop culture and fashion of the time, influenced by movements like mod and hippie, encouraged unprecedented experimentation with makeup. This era marked a moment when women began to use makeup not only to enhance their beauty but also as a form of self-expression and empowerment. 1980-2000: the era of extravagance and globalization From 1980 to the present, makeup has become a symbol of creativity and cultural diversity. The 1980s were characterized by maximalism, with intense and contrasting colors, bright eyeshadows, bold lips, and strong contours. This decade embraced excess, reflecting a spirit of boldness and self-expression. With globalization, makeup trends began to blend and spread rapidly through mass media, creating a melting pot of styles. From natural looks to more elaborate ones, everyone can find inspiration from any corner of the world. The influence of social media and influencers has democratized access to products and techniques, making makeup a tool for empowerment and a platform for diversity and inclusion, where each individual defines their own beauty. 21st century trends: makeup in the digital era 2000-2020: from natural to experimental, makeup on social media The 21st century has witnessed the digital revolution, which has transformed how we consume and relate to makeup. Social media, in particular, has played a crucial role in popularizing new trends. From the contouring popularized by Kim Kardashian to the natural beauty looks promoted by influencers, makeup has become greatly democratized and diversified. Today, makeup has become a form of artistic and personal expression, reflecting each person's diversity and individuality. With the evolution of trends and the inclusion of innovative technologies, such as long-lasting products and high-quality formulas, makeup offers a wider range of options to suit all styles and preferences. From elegant minimalism to the most daring and colorful creations, today's makeup celebrates creative freedom and authenticity. Moreover, the growing awareness of sustainability and ethics in production has led to an increase in the use of cruelty-free and eco-friendly products. In short, modern makeup not only enhances outer beauty but also empowers people to feel confident and authentic in their own skin.

Jan 21, 2025Milagros Oria Prieto

The fascinating journey of makeup throughout history

Makeup has been a loyal companion to humanity, evolving over time and adapting to the cultural, religious, and social currents of each era. From ancient rituals to the latest digital trends, the history of makeup reflects the evolution of beauty and identity across the centuries. We invite you to embark on a journey through the different stages of makeup history, exploring how it has evolved and impacted people's lives over time. We highlight a series of influential women from each era: The Egyptian pharaoh Cleopatra. The Iraqi priestess Enheduanna. The Roman empress Livia Drusilla. The French philosopher Christine de Pizan. The Italian businesswoman Isabella de' Medici. The German painter Anna Rosina de Gasc. The British scientists Mary Anning and Mary Buckland. The French artist Josephine Baker. The Spanish revolutionary Clara Campoamor. The American journalist Oprah Winfrey. The American model Kim Kardashian. Makeup in ancient civilizations Ancient Egypt: rituals and symbolism of makeup along the Nile Ancient Egypt is one of the earliest places where makeup acquired deep significance. It was not only used for beautification but also as a spiritual tool and protection. This ritual was not merely an aesthetic practice but was also laden with religious and social meaning. Both men and women used cosmetics; their skin was smeared with perfumed oils, and their eyes were lined with kohl, a mixture of minerals like galena. For the Egyptians, kohl had spiritual connotations and was believed to provide divine protection against the "evil eye." They also used natural pigments to color their lips and cheeks, with tones obtained from minerals like iron oxide. Mesopotamia and Persia: early innovations and their impact Makeup was a widespread practice among both men and women, with a focus on beauty and protection. In Mesopotamia, fine mineral powders were used to adorn the face, and kohl was applied to the eyes to enhance the gaze and as an amulet. Women also used perfumed oils and ointments to care for their skin and hair, reflecting a strong interest in hygiene and personal appearance. In Persia, makeup played a similar role, with an emphasis on elegance and social status. Persians used facial powders to smooth the skin and natural dyes to highlight lips and cheeks. Both empires shared a belief in the power of makeup to attract beauty and repel negative influences. Greece and Rome: aesthetics and health in ancient beauty Makeup was a symbol of status and refinement. Roman women, in particular, were famous for their elaborate beauty rituals, including facial masks made from honey and natural oils. However, makeup also had its detractors, and in certain periods of Roman history, its excessive use was frowned upon by moralists. Nevertheless, the makeup techniques of these civilizations laid the groundwork for what was to come in later centuries. Transformations in the middle ages and the Renaissance The darkness of the middle ages: rejection and resurgence of makeup During the Middle Ages, makeup fell out of favor in much of Europe, associated with vanity and sin. The Catholic Church disapproved of its use, linking it to lust and deception. Despite these restrictions, noblewomen continued to use powders to lighten their skin, a sign of status and purity at that time. They used flour powders and other minerals to whiten their faces, despite the health risks. Blush and lipstick were used sparingly, made from plants like saffron and alkanet root. Eye makeup was less common due to its association with vanity. However, in some regions, women darkened their eyebrows and eyelashes with charcoal or soot. Renaissance: the rebirth of beauty and cosmetic excess In the Renaissance, makeup experienced a resurgence, reflecting the growing interest in beauty, art, and fashion. Pale skin remained an ideal associated with purity and high social status. To achieve this, women used white lead powders, despite their toxicity. A subtle blush was applied to the cheeks, made from natural pigments like carmine, to give a healthy appearance. Lips were highlighted with soft shades of red or pink, while eyebrow care was essential; many women plucked their eyebrows completely or thinned them drastically, then drew them to achieve an ideal shape. The use of perfumes and aromatic oils was also popular, not only to beautify but to mask odors. Makeup in this era combined art with sophistication, seeking a balance between natural beauty and elegance. The 18th and 19th centuries: from aristocracy to the industrial revolution Rococo and excessive beauty: influence of the french nobility In the 18th century, under the influence of the French court, makeup became a true obsession. Women (and some men) wore heavy layers of white powder and exaggerated rouge. Makeup was a public statement, especially with the use of strategically placed beauty marks on the face to highlight flirtation and conceal imperfections. Eyebrows were thinned and darkened to give more expression to the gaze. This elaborate makeup, along with exuberant hairstyles, reflected the opulence and playful spirit of the time. The Victorian era: morality, modesty, and the struggle against makeup The Victorian era brought a drastic change. Queen Victoria openly disapproved of makeup, seeing it as a vulgar tool of the lower classes. Despite this, social pressure to maintain a neat and healthy appearance meant that makeup continued to be used, albeit more subtly and privately. Blush was used very sparingly, utilizing homemade remedies or discreet products made from beets or rose petals, and only to give a touch of healthy color. The emphasis was on the appearance of purity and virtue, so makeup was minimalist. However, cosmetic care and beauty products were common, but always applied in a way that seemed natural and effortless. The 20th century: the age of makeup innovation 1920-1940: Flappers and Hollywood Glamour The 20th century saw the birth of modern makeup as we know it today. The makeup of flappers in the 1920s broke with traditional norms, reflecting a new era of freedom and boldness. These young, modern women adopted a daring style with intensely red lips, smoky eyes, and thin, arched eyebrows. The use of dark lipstick and black eyeliner became iconic, creating a dramatic and seductive look that defied traditional norms. This style was greatly influenced by Hollywood cinema, which began to popularize cosmetics on an unprecedented scale. The glamour of Hollywood in the 1930s and 1940s took makeup to new heights, popularizing the image of movie stars as symbols of sophistication and elegance. Perfect skin, well-defined red lips, and long, curled lashes became the beauty standard. This style, inspired by screen divas, greatly influenced makeup trends, making glamour an aspirational ideal for many women. 1950-1970: the explosion of color and women's liberation In the 1960s and 1970s, makeup experienced an explosion of color, reflecting the spirit of change and women's liberation. These decades saw women breaking away from traditional molds, adopting bold and creative styles that expressed their individuality and freedom. Eyes became the main focus, with vibrant eyeshadows in shades like blue, green, and purple, combined with thick eyeliner and false lashes that accentuated the gaze. Lips also filled with color, from nude tones to the most intense reds and pinks. The pop culture and fashion of the time, influenced by movements like mod and hippie, encouraged unprecedented experimentation with makeup. This era marked a moment when women began to use makeup not only to enhance their beauty but also as a form of self-expression and empowerment. 1980-2000: the era of extravagance and globalization From 1980 to the present, makeup has become a symbol of creativity and cultural diversity. The 1980s were characterized by maximalism, with intense and contrasting colors, bright eyeshadows, bold lips, and strong contours. This decade embraced excess, reflecting a spirit of boldness and self-expression. With globalization, makeup trends began to blend and spread rapidly through mass media, creating a melting pot of styles. From natural looks to more elaborate ones, everyone can find inspiration from any corner of the world. The influence of social media and influencers has democratized access to products and techniques, making makeup a tool for empowerment and a platform for diversity and inclusion, where each individual defines their own beauty. 21st century trends: makeup in the digital era 2000-2020: from natural to experimental, makeup on social media The 21st century has witnessed the digital revolution, which has transformed how we consume and relate to makeup. Social media, in particular, has played a crucial role in popularizing new trends. From the contouring popularized by Kim Kardashian to the natural beauty looks promoted by influencers, makeup has become greatly democratized and diversified. Today, makeup has become a form of artistic and personal expression, reflecting each person's diversity and individuality. With the evolution of trends and the inclusion of innovative technologies, such as long-lasting products and high-quality formulas, makeup offers a wider range of options to suit all styles and preferences. From elegant minimalism to the most daring and colorful creations, today's makeup celebrates creative freedom and authenticity. Moreover, the growing awareness of sustainability and ethics in production has led to an increase in the use of cruelty-free and eco-friendly products. In short, modern makeup not only enhances outer beauty but also empowers people to feel confident and authentic in their own skin.

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Karol G
Jan 21, 2025Milagros Oria Prieto
Celebrities: Karol G

Karol G, whose real name is Carolina Giraldo Navarro, has revolutionized urban music since its beginnings. This Colombian singer and songwriter, born on February 14, 1991 in Medellin, has established herself as one of the most influential figures in reggaeton and Latin music globally. With her unmistakable style and her ability to connect with the public, Karol G has not only conquered the stages, but has also broken barriers in a genre traditionally dominated by men.From a very young age, Karol G showed an interest in music and art, something that would lead her to triumph in the industry. Her success is not the result of chance, but of effort and dedication, qualities that her fans have admired since her first appearances.Karol G is not only known for her unmistakable musical style and imposing stage presence, but also for her good taste in fashion and details. Among those details, the perfume she has chosen as an essential part of her personal identity stands out. The singer has mentioned in several interviews that one of her favorite perfumes is a fragrance that, like her, blends femininity and power. This perfume has become an icon in the industry, with its iconic bottle and a combination of sensual and daring notes that make it irresistible.With a scent that embodies the essence of the modern woman: confident, strong and with a touch of mystery. It is easy to see why Karol G has adopted this perfume as part of her daily style; it reflects the duality of her personality: sweet and powerful, feminine yet indomitable.What's more, this fragrance suits her dynamic lifestyle. Whether on a red carpet, at a recording session, or at her spectacular live shows, Karol G always maintains that fresh and sophisticated aura that characterizes her, and her perfume plays a crucial role in that. Do you still want to know which perfume she wears? Here we reveal it to you 👇🏽👇🏽  DIVAIN-452: Explore our refined fragrance, an inspired scent that captures the fresh essence of spring. Perfect for everyday wear, this scent unfolds with a vibrant fusion of violet, wild blackberry, black currant and a hint of thyme, followed by a sophisticated heart of cedar, jasmine and cinnamon. The deep base of oakmoss, suede, patchouli, amber, vanilla and caramel offers a balanced projection. This captivating perfume is ideal for those who want to leave an unforgettable impression all day long.Karol G has left an indelible mark on urban music, and her influence continues to grow. With a career on the rise, it is clear that her legacy will go beyond the charts. Karol G has proven to be a source of inspiration for new generations of artists, especially for women looking to make their way in a competitive world.Her music, her story and her perseverance continue to inspire millions of people around the world, and it's safe to say that Karol G still has a lot to offer.

Jan 21, 2025Milagros Oria Prieto

Celebrities: Karol G

Karol G, whose real name is Carolina Giraldo Navarro, has revolutionized urban music since its beginnings. This Colombian singer and songwriter, born on February 14, 1991 in Medellin, has established herself as one of the most influential figures in reggaeton and Latin music globally. With her unmistakable style and her ability to connect with the public, Karol G has not only conquered the stages, but has also broken barriers in a genre traditionally dominated by men.From a very young age, Karol G showed an interest in music and art, something that would lead her to triumph in the industry. Her success is not the result of chance, but of effort and dedication, qualities that her fans have admired since her first appearances.Karol G is not only known for her unmistakable musical style and imposing stage presence, but also for her good taste in fashion and details. Among those details, the perfume she has chosen as an essential part of her personal identity stands out. The singer has mentioned in several interviews that one of her favorite perfumes is a fragrance that, like her, blends femininity and power. This perfume has become an icon in the industry, with its iconic bottle and a combination of sensual and daring notes that make it irresistible.With a scent that embodies the essence of the modern woman: confident, strong and with a touch of mystery. It is easy to see why Karol G has adopted this perfume as part of her daily style; it reflects the duality of her personality: sweet and powerful, feminine yet indomitable.What's more, this fragrance suits her dynamic lifestyle. Whether on a red carpet, at a recording session, or at her spectacular live shows, Karol G always maintains that fresh and sophisticated aura that characterizes her, and her perfume plays a crucial role in that. Do you still want to know which perfume she wears? Here we reveal it to you 👇🏽👇🏽  DIVAIN-452: Explore our refined fragrance, an inspired scent that captures the fresh essence of spring. Perfect for everyday wear, this scent unfolds with a vibrant fusion of violet, wild blackberry, black currant and a hint of thyme, followed by a sophisticated heart of cedar, jasmine and cinnamon. The deep base of oakmoss, suede, patchouli, amber, vanilla and caramel offers a balanced projection. This captivating perfume is ideal for those who want to leave an unforgettable impression all day long.Karol G has left an indelible mark on urban music, and her influence continues to grow. With a career on the rise, it is clear that her legacy will go beyond the charts. Karol G has proven to be a source of inspiration for new generations of artists, especially for women looking to make their way in a competitive world.Her music, her story and her perseverance continue to inspire millions of people around the world, and it's safe to say that Karol G still has a lot to offer.

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