Most common types of diets. Are they effective?

There are very different types of diets depending on the needs of each organism

Diets ... as feared as they are hated. But in many cases, they are the best thing we can do to give ourselves a little push and achieve a healthier lifestyle. And more in summer, when in addition to being ultra healthy to enjoy all the plans to the fullest, we want to look the best possible type.

Today we want to introduce you to the types of diets that are most commonly performed. Now, do not start doing any without the supervision of a professional. Each body is a world, what goes well for some, others can do very badly.

As you well know ... no diet is effective without exercise. Therefore we recommend this strength training (which you can also do comfortably from home) complementing it with these exercises to increase flexibility.

Ah! And of course, any of these diets have to be accompanied by drink lots and lots of water. Teas like black tea or matcha tea They will also help you a lot to stay well hydrated and not retain fluids.

Cleansing diet

The cleansing diet, also known as the detox diet, is one of the most popular today. Debugging is in! And what does it consist of? Very simple: to "detoxify" our body from excess fats and very heavy foods.

It can be done in various ways, either through daily cleansing shakes supplemented with a very gentle diet; well consuming exclusively liquids for at least one day a week; or doing the intermittent fasting.

Of course, if the cleansing diet catches your attention, don't even think about doing it on your own! You have to know very well how to do it, since excessive fluid consumption can cause imbalances in the absorption of vitamins and nutrients, with the consequent risk that this poses to health.

Diets like pineapple or detox are very fashionable

Diets count calories

Another of the types of diets that are carried out the most (for many years) is the calorie counting diet. This consists, as its name suggests, in counting the calories of absolutely all the foods that are eaten. And this is done a lot, in fact you ask us so much information about the calories in certain foods that we dedicate our own articles, such as these from how many calories does the mango have, the coffee, the melon, the cherries, the tomatoes...

There are several types:

1500 calorie diet

The 1500 calorie diet is a hypocaloric diet, that is, a diet that restricts daily caloric intake to create a caloric deficit that forces the body to burn more calories, thus reducing the amount of fat stored in the body.

This diet is hypocaloric but very healthy, since it is based on our traditional Mediterranean diet and the reduced calories are not too many; so weight is lost effectively but naturally, without the possible rebound effects once it ends, threatening.

Next, we leave you a series of common guidelines in this type of diet, always based on real fooding.

  • 2 servings of dairy products daily.
  • Between 300-450 grams of vegetables every day, alternating cooked with raw.
  • 3 small servings (it is best to put them as a garnish for lunch or dinner) of bread, pasta or rice, per day.
  • 150 grams of white fish 2 times a week, 120 grams of white meat 2-3 times a week, 100 grams of red meat once a week, 7 eggs a week (no more than 2 a day) and about 120 grams of tofu 2 to 3 times a week. Yes, tofu! Diets of this type are not boring at all and lead to the discovery of new foods that are not so common in our diet, such as tofu, one of the vegetable protein foods most popular, perfect if you are vegan.
  • 2 pieces of fruit daily.

1200 calorie diet

The 1200 calorie diet is also a hypocaloric diet, a bit more extreme than the 1500 calorie diet, but equally balanced. It is also always based on real food, completely eliminating sugars and processed foods, the # 1 enemies of healthy eating.

Diet 2000 calories

Unlike the low-calorie hypocaloric diet, the hypocaloric diet provides a greater energy load than the body needs. This is obviously not appropriate if you are looking to lose weight or lose volume, since it is used to increase muscle mass.

VERY IMPORTANT! Before doing any of these calorie counting diets, consult your doctor or nutritionist. And it is that the necessary calories depend on the age, sex, height, amount of muscular mass… For this reason, for a person with a strong complexion, maintaining a diet of 1500 calories can be too hypocaloric; while for someone else it is even more than you need.

Low-calorie diets are the best for weight loss

Pineapple diet

The pineapple diet is a hypocaloric diet, which in its most extreme form consists of eating only pineapple for 3 days. It is diuretic and detox, since it helps to lose weight by eliminating fluid retention.

Although it sounds like an aberration, pineapple is a superfood, since it is a fruit with a high percentage of water and with a great contribution of vitamins, minerals and fiber.

There are several types of pineapple diet, from the most extreme (and dangerous if not supervised by a professional) in which only pineapple is ingested, to others much more recommended and bearable, such as those that alternate pineapple with the consumption of other protein foods (meats) and high fiber (vegetables).

There are other fruit-based diets, such as the watermelon diet or the peach diet.

High protein diet

As its name indicates, this type of diet is based on a large consumption of proteins, prioritizing them before carbohydrates or fats. Despite its great energy intake, it is considered a hypocaloric diet, widely performed by athletes and people who want to lose weight.

You can not only get protein from meat or fish, but from many other foods, such as these protein-rich fruits.

Diet rich in fiber

The high-fiber diet is also another of the most popular, as fiber provides many health benefits. This is based on the consumption, not exclusive but in large quantities, of foods rich in fiber. These are:

  • Vegetables and greens such as lettuce, potatoes, broccoli, pumpkin, chard, raw carrots, or spinach.
  • Legumes such as lentils, beans, or chickpeas.
  • Fruits and nuts.
  • Cereals, oats, whole wheat bread, rice, quinoa, wheat pasta ...

So far, our review of the most popular diets. Have you done any of them?